ENERGY RESOURCES UNIT 2 When you turn on your TV, you want it to come on right??? When you flip the light switch, you want it to come on right??? When you put food in the stove/microwave, you want it to be cooked right??? Where does this power come from?????
I. Where do we get ELECTRICAL energy? …Energy Resources! -a natural resource that can be converted by humans into other forms of energy in order to do useful work. -There are two types of resources : renewable and nonrenewable
1. Non-Renewable Resources can only be used once every thousand/millions of years . Fossil Fuels (provides 67% of energy to homes and industry.) There are 3 fossil fuels. 1. Coal (33%) 2. Petroleum (1%) 3. Natural Gas (33%)
a) Coal (33%) -used to fuel power plants and factories. -burned to create steam to turn a turbine in a generator -mined from the Earth
b) Oil (or petroleum)1% -used as fertilizers for farms, clothes, almost all plastics, and gasoline. - extracted from the Earth’s surface(middle east)
This rig, located 51 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana, exploded on April 20, 2010.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (1989) Captain Joseph Hazelwood was asleep. The third mate failed to properly maneuver the vessel, possibly due to fatigue or excessive workload, and he hit the Bligh Reef. The RAYCAS radar was turned off. It was one of the most devastating oil spills in the USA.
Where does oil (petroleum) and natural gas come from?
B. Nuclear Energy- originates from the splitting or fission of uranium atoms. Fission generates heat for producing steam, which is used by a turbine to generate electricity.
Chernobyl: nuclear power plant in Soviet Ukraine An experiment went wrong and Chernobyl blew up! Over 50,000 people evacuated and cannot return. There are many negative effects to human health from the radiation.
2. Renewable resources produce power without being used up 2. Renewable resources produce power without being used up. They can be used over & over again. 1.Biomass 3.Water/Hydroelectricity 2.Solar 5.Wind 4.Geothermal
1) What is BIOMASS? An energy alternative to fossil fuels made from plants, grasses, corn stalks, wood chips, and sugar cane called - ethanol.
Future Power in China
Hoover Dam
Turbines & Reservoir
Geothermal Energy
4. Geothermal Power -Pipes drilled into the ground send water down near the heated rocks. The hot water changes into steam. Steam comes up through these pipes & turns a turbine connected to a generator to convert kinetic into electricity. The steam cools & the process is repeated.
5) Wind Parks or Wind Farms
-Blowing wind (kinetic) spins the blades on a wind turbine -- just like a large toy pinwheel. -The blades of the turbine are attached to a generator that converts the kinetic energy into electricity.
*Do Not Write* These children in Iowa are playing beneath a wind turbine that generates enough electricity to power their entire school.
What amount of U.S. energy is nonrenewable and what amount is renewable?????
4. Because non-renewable energy can only be used once, scientists are always looking for new ways to efficiently use renewable sources of energy. GO GREEN!!!!!