Analyze the General Fund Enterprise Business System Reporting Process 1
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Analyze GFEBS Reporting Process Conditions: In a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, personal experience, handouts, discussion and access to GFEBS. Standards: With a minimum of 80% accuracy: - Communicate Business Intelligence (BI) Reports in GFEBS - Determine Enterprise Central Component (ECC) Reports in GFEBS 2
Course Objectives • GFEBS Budget Reports BI Budget Reports • BI Status of Funds Reports • ECC Budget Reports • Cumulative Fund Status Reports Non-Cumulative Fund Status Reports Reimbursable Fund Status Reports ECC Status of Funds Reports 3
GFEBS Budget Reports GFEBS roles involved in FM Reporting are the BI Budget Reporter role and the ECC Budget Reporter role. Both of these roles are performed at all Army levels and by Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). 4
GFEBS Budget Reports (Cont.) BI and ECC allow for report generation and data manipulation. Users can report near real-time data (i.e., delay can be from 2 - 24 hours) in BI while real-time data can be accessed in ECC. This information is used to build the budget, check funds availability, and ensure derivation rules are followed appropriately. 5
BI Budget Reports The BI Budget Reporter generates reports in BI that: - Are GFEBS role specific. - Can be customized to meet individual needs. - Provide near real-time data (i.e., delay can be from 2 – 24 hours). - Provide data on AFP, allotment, and execution following extraction from ECC. 6
BI Budget Reports (Cont.) Information regarding BI reports: • Data used for BI reports is extracted from ECC to BI. This data becomes historical data in the data warehouse. • Users generate reports using the data in BI. This data can be used as a reference to build the upcoming budget in the budget year. • Information included in BI reports may be used to: - Provide resource managers with the ability to view budget targets at all organizational levels. 7
BI Budget Reports (Cont.) Reports on execution status: Show COED At all organization levels - formal and informal. By Fund, Funds Center, Functional Area, Funded Program, and/or Commitment Item. 8
BI Budget Reports (Cont.) The Status of Funds reports provide information on execution status and provide visibility to: • Both the current AFP (from ECC Version 1) and Allotment (from ECC Version 0). • Both cumulative and non-cumulative data. 9
BI Status of Funds Reports The Status of Funds Report provides information on execution status and visibility to: • COED status. • Formal levels of funds distribution. • User selected report parameters (i.e., “free characteristics”) such as: - Fund - Funds Center - Functional Area - Funded Program - Commitment Item - Cost Center - Cost Object - Fiscal Month, Fiscal Month/Year, Fiscal Quarter, and Fiscal Year - Management Decision Package (MDEP) 10
LSA #1 Check on Learning Q: ECC Reports provide _________ data a. Real-Time (Instant) b. Near Real-Time c. Delayed (25 + hours) 11
LSA #1 Summary 12
ECC Budget Reports The ECC Budget Reporter uses transaction codes (T-codes) to generate reports in ECC that: - Contain drill-down capability to view information at the transaction document level in non-cumulative reports. - Generate in real-time. - Provide information for budget control. 13
ECC Budget Reports (Cont.) There are four groups of key reports generated by the ECC Budget Reporter: - Cumulative Fund Status - Non-Cumulative Fund Status Reimbursable Fund Status Other Fund Status 14
Fund Status ECC Reports Cumulative Fund Status Reports ZFSC1 - Cumulative Fund Status by Funds Center (FC)/Comm Item (CI) ZFSC2 - Cumulative Status by Functional Area (FA/CI) ZFSC3 - Cumulative Status by Funded Program (FP/CI) ZFSC4 - Cumulative Status for Funds Center–Summary (Fund/FA) ZFSC5 - Cumulative Status by Funds Center–Detail (Fund/FA/FC/FP/CI) ZFSC6 - Cumulative Fund Status by Functional Area–Summary (FA/Fund/FC) ZFSC7 - Cumulative Fund Status by Functional Area Group–Detail (FA/Fund/FC/FP/CI) ZFSC8 - Cumulative Fund Status with Open Commitments–Summary ZFSC9 - Cumulative Fund Status with Open Commitment–Detail 15
Fund Status ECC Reports Non-Cumulative Fund Status Reports ZFSNC1 – Non-Cumulative Status by Funds Center (FC/CI) ZFSNC2 – Non-Cumulative Status by Functional Area (FA/CI) ZFSNC3 – Non-Cumulative Status by Funded Program (FP/CI) ZFSNC4 – Non-Cumulative Status by Funds Center–Summary (FC/Fund/FA) ZFSNC5 – Non-Cumulative Status by Funds Center–Detail (FA/FC/Fund/FP/CI) ZFSNC6 – Non-Cumulative Status by Funds Center–Pre-Posted (FC/CI) 16
Fund Status ECC Reports Reimbursable Fund Status Reports ZRFSC1 - Reimbursable Cumulative Fund Status by Funds Center ZRFSC2 - Reimbursable Cumulative Fund Status by Funded Program ZRFSNC1 - Reimbursable Non-Cumulative Fund Status by Funds Center ZRFSNC2 - Reimbursable Non-Cumulative Fund Status by Funded Program 17
Fund Status ECC Reports Other Fund Status Reports Z_OPEN_COM Open Commitments Z_OPEN_OB Open Obligations 18
ECC Reports ECC reports are used to provide funds status that: • Is real-time. • Is in standard report format with limited capability to change layouts and content. • Identifies available AFP and Allotment. • Is run in the transactional side of GFEBS. • Is at formal funds distribution levels. • Is capable of drilling down to document level on noncumulative reports, such as: - Budget/documents - PRs/POs - Receipt of goods - Disbursing information 19
ECC Reports (Cont.) Fund Status reports provide either cumulative or non-cumulative data. The difference between cumulative and non-cumulative is: In a cumulative view, the columns within the report do not decrease. - In a non-cumulative view, the columns will decrease or increase based on the COED status. 20
ECC Status of Funds Reports The Fund Status reports provide visibility for the following: • Budget Authority • Commitments • Obligations • Expenses • Disbursements • Available Balance 21
LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1: What are the four groups of key reports generated by the ECC Budget Reporter? Q2: Fund Status reports provide either cumulative or non-cumulative data. What is the difference between cumulative and non-cumulative? 22
LSA #2 Summary 23
TLO Summary Action: Analyze GFEBS Reporting Process Conditions: In a classroom environment using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, personal experience, handouts, discussion and access to GFEBS. Standards: With a minimum of 80% accuracy: - Communicate Business Intelligence (BI) Reports in GFEBS - Determine Enterprise Central Component (ECC) Reports in GFEBS 24