COP 4600 Operating Systems Fall 2010 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 304 Office hours: Tu-Th 3:30-4:30 PM
Lecture 25 – Tuesday November 16, 2010 Last time: Presentation of the paper “Commodity OS on scalable multiprocessors” by E. Bugnion Today: Thread coordination: multiple senders – multiple receivers Scheduling Scheduling Algorithms Next Time Performance Lecture 25
Single sender and single receiver Lecture 25
Multiple sender –multiple receiver Lecture 25
Lecture 25
Scheduling algorithms Scheduling assigning jobs to machines. A schedule S a plan on how to process N jobs using one or machines. Scheduling in the general case in a NP complete problem. A job 1 <= j <- N is characterized by Ci S completion time of job j under schedule S pi processing time ri release time; the time when the job is available for processing di due time ; the time when the job should be completed. ui =0 if Ci S <= di and ui =1 otherwise Lj = Ci S - di lateness A schedule S is characterized by The makespan Cmax = max Ci S Average completion time Lecture 25
General description of a scheduling algorithm Lecture 25