Supporting Social Inclusion of Migrant Women Christoph Riedl Diakonie Austria Senior Policy Officer Asylum, Integration & Human Rights Eurodiaconia AGM 13-15.6.2018 Wroclaw/Breslau - Poland
2017 Diakonie was working with 41.000 Clients. Supporting Social Inclusion of Migrant Women Facts and Figures Counsellng Work of Diakonie in Austria *** 30.056 Klient*innen, 74.661 Beratungen 2017 Diakonie was working with 41.000 Clients. Legal and Social Counselling* : *provided by Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst Clients Counseling Legal Counselling 25.279 50.120 Social Counseling total 17.289 63.035 Social Counseling Vienna 23.845 Social Counseling Bgld 17.645 Social Counselling NÖ 21.515
Supporting Social Inclusion of Migrant Women Refugees not Migrants! Diakonie in Austria works mainly with Asylum Seekers and Refugees. & Supports Irregular Migrants with a Free Health Care project. Focus on the most vulnerable: Unaccompanied Minors, Traumatised, Handicapped, LGBTIQ, Refugee Women
Supporting Social Inclusion of Migrant Women Counselling Center for Women The Counselling centre is open for every asylum seeking women in the Vienna „Basic Care System für Asylumseekers“ 25 Women/day 4 days/ a week since 2017 What is the counselling about? Relationship & Divorce, Social law, Family law advice, Living and accommodation, Equal treatment, Antidiscrimination law, Education system & labor market, Violence, raising children, health, leisure time offers, Sexuality and contraception
Supporting Social Inclusion of Migrant Women Thank´s 4 your Attention Integration of Refugees A Challenge for Austria?
?????? Are there special needs for Refugees in Integration Work? Are there Special Needs of Refugee Women? Why is it difficult for Refugee Women to access support?