Integrating Sources
Journal: What is the difference between a quote, paraphrase, & summary?
Quoting In Chapter 18, Eleanor tells Park that she’ll “memorize [his phone number] to the tune of a song, so that [she] won’t forget it” (Rowell 90).
Paraphrasing In Chapter 18, Eleanor tells Park that if she uses the tune of a song she can memorize his number without forgetting it (Rowell 90).
Combination Quote and Paraphrase In Chapter 18, Eleanor tells Park that she won’t forget his number if she “memorize[s] it to the tune of a song” (Rowell 90).
Summary When Eleanor realizes she’s going to babysit on Friday night, she asks for Park’s phone number since she’ll be able to use her dad’s phone. But, because of Richie, she can’t write it down. Even though Park is skeptical, Eleanor convinces him she can memorize it.
How Do we Integrate sources? (ICE) Introduce Cite Explain
ICE Sample In Chapter 18, Eleanor tells Park that she’ll “memorize [his phone number] to the tune of a song, so that [she] won’t forget it” (Rowell 90).
Journal: ICE Samples “She should have just taken the tape. She didn’t need to be telling everybody what she had and didn’t have” (Rowell 53). For the quote, introduce the source/ context. Then cite and explain: Now, integrate it again. But this time, introduce your claim (why you chose it). Then cite and explain:
Your Turn to Practice! Get into a group of 3-4. Choose 1 note-taker and 1 presenter. ICE the following quote: “Tina had asked Park to go with her, and Park had said yes— because everybody knew that Tina was the most popular girl in class. Going with Tina was such powerful social currency, Park was still spending it. Being Tina’s first boyfriend kept Park out of the lowest neighborhood caste. Even though they all thought Park was weird and yellow, even though the had never fit in… They couldn’t call him a freak or a chink or a fag, because—well, first, because his dad was a giant and a veteran and from the neighborhood. But second, because what would that say about Tina?” (Rowell 177). See “launching” techniques from W&R (226-227) for ideas You have 7 minutes. Be prepared to share.
Formatting Quotes: Block quote Eleanor and Park also shows the challenges cliques and bullying presented in the 80’s when Park describes why he dated Tina: Tina was the most popular girl in class. Going with Tina was such powerful social currency, Park was still spending it. Being Tina’s first boyfriend kept Park out of the lowest neighborhood caste. Even though they all thought Park was weird and yellow, even though the had never fit in… They couldn’t call him a freak…because what would that say about Tina? (Rowell 177). This shows that Park was painfully aware of…
Formatting Quotes: Ellipses Eleanor and Park also shows the challenges cliques and bullying presented in the 80’s when Park explains that he dated Tina because she “was the most popular girl in class…Being Tina’s first boyfriend kept Park out of the lowest neighborhood caste. Even though they all thought Park was weird” he knew that Tina would protect him from their bullying (Rowell 177). Bullying like this is very similar to what happens to students today on social media. For many students…
Formatting Quotes: Quote within a Quote Students in high school today often face more pressure that students in the past. In the article “When Anxiety Hits at School,” a high school counselor explains that “More than information overload… ‘high performance expectations’ surrounding school and sports often results in stress and, in turn, anxiety” (Dwyer).