Project Oxygen… Shashwat Shriparv InfinitySoft
What it is… Vision… Challenges… Approach… Technologies… Conclusion… in this… What it is… Vision… Challenges… Approach… Technologies… Conclusion…
what it is… An ongoing project by CSAIL (Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) at the MIT… An ambitious global network proposal that was supposed to link 78 countries with more than 100,000 miles of optical fiber at a minimum transmission speed of 1.2Gbps.
vision… human-centered computation freely available communicate naturally boost our productivity
challenges… pervasive embedded nomadic adaptable Powerful and efficient intentional eternal
Pervasive:- It must be everywhere Embedded:- It must live in our world, sensing and affecting it Nomadic:- It must allow users and computations to move around freely, according to their needs Adaptable:- It must provide flexibility and spontaneity, in response to changes in user requirements and operating conditions
Powerful and efficient:- It must free itself from constraints imposed by bounded hardware resources, system constraints imposed by user demands and available power or communication bandwidth Intentional:- It must enable people to name services and software objects by intent. Eg- “the nearest printer” should be understood to the system
Eternal:- It must never shut down or reboot; components may come and go in response to demand, errors, and upgrades, but Oxygen as a whole must be available all the time.
The technologies used here can be divided into two 1. User technologies 2. System technologies
device technologies … embedded, handheld.. network technologies … networks.. software technologies … perceptual technologies… speech, vision.. user technologies … automation, collaboration, knowledge access..
device technologies … to communicate with people using natural perceptual resources, such as speech and vision… to support Oxygen's user technologies wherever people may be… to monitor and control their environment…
network technologies… configure collaborative regions automatically, creating topologies & adapting them to mobility and change… provide automatic resource and location discovery, without manual configuration & administration… provide secure, authenticated, and private access to networked resources… adapt to changing network conditions, including congestion, wireless errors, latency variations, and heterogeneous traffic …
software technologies… building applications using composable, distributed components… customizing, adapting, and altering component behavior… replacing components, at different degrees of granularity, in a consistent fashion… person-centric, rather than device-centric, security… disconnected operation & nomadic code…
user technologies… Knowledge access… Automation… Collaboration…
Automatic access methods Human access methods Automated observers knowledge access.. Data representation Data acquisition Automatic access methods Human access methods Automated observers
perceptual technologies… Speech Vision
speech Speech recognition:- converts speech to a sentence of distinct words Language understanding:- systematically represent meaning of recognized words Language generator:- build sentences that present application generated data in the user’s preferred language Speech synthesis:- converts sentences back to speech
Visual perception subsystem Visual rendering subsystem vision Visual perception subsystem Visual rendering subsystem
Business applications Medical field Education
to conclude… Big leap in human productivity… Amplify human capabilities across the globe…
Thank You! Shashwat Shriparv InfinitySoft