DAY 1 09:00-12.30 SGs Plenary – Introduction on WG2 ad SG break outs Welcome address host Hans Backström (Product Manager Air Quality, SMHI) Introduction S. Galmarini MONITORING & MODELLING (SG1) B. Denby CONTRIBUTION OF NATURAL SOURCES AND SOURCE APPORTIONMENT (SG2) J. Douros/C. Belis EMISSIONS & PROJECTIONS (SG3) J. Lubreras/R. Borge MODELS BENCHMARKING (SG4) P. Thunis 10:20 -11:00 Coffee Break J. Lumbreras/R. Borge 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break 16:00 – 16:15 16:15 – 18:00 SGs interactions SG2+SG3 J. Lumbreras/R. Borge /J. Douros/C. Belis SG4+SG1 P. Thunis/ B. Denby
09:00-12.30 SGs Joint SG1, SG2, SG3, SG4 summaries including input to the review process from SGs 10:30 -11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 12:30 SG1, SG2, SG3, SG4 summaries and input to the review process from SGs All/S. Galmarini DAY 2
Scope of WG2 meeting (1/2) Presentation within SGs of state of progress, definitions of steps for the next semester+ (Day1) Focusing activities on issues that can produce concrete deliverable in the time left Identification of interactions between SGs (Day1) Prioritising interactions as from point (2) (Day1, Day2 discussion) Tentative list of products that will be delivered to DG-ENV (Day2) Identification of the best way in which these elements could be delivered and be readily available to the review process (Day2)
Models and Measurements SG4 Benchmarking ? SG1 Models and Measurements SG2 Source allocation SG3 Emissions ? WG2 Coordination DG-RES and others WG2 summary report acheivments and open issues WG1 Guidance document For AQD review purposes DG-ENV ? Opt&cond on DG ENV ?
Scope of WG2 meeting (2/2) Open points: DG-ENV to clarify at plenary mechanism of transfer of FAIRMODE conclusions to AQD review process DG-ENV to clarify the time schedule of the process Based on these elements we can define the best we to progress and the most efficient way to do
Open points: DG-ENV to clarify at plenary mechanism of transfer of FAIRMODE conclusions to AQD review process DG-ENV to clarify the time schedule of the process Based on these to elements we will have to define