Greenshoots Scheme- Developed in 2014-15 - CRN North East and North Cumbria (CRN NENC) Designed to develop ‘research-interested’ consultants (medical, nursing and AHP) Aim - to provide ring-fenced remunerated time Recruiting to NIHR Research Portfolio studies + Principal Investigators Postgraduate Certificate of Clinical Research at Newcastle University
Dr Priya Khanna Dr. Neeti Sud Dr. Barry Ingram Our Research Journey… Dr Priya Khanna Dr. Neeti Sud Dr. Barry Ingram
Dr Priya Khanna Integrating research into clinical work – interesting, stimulating During basic training (NTW) -initiated and presented audits in local, regional and national meetings improving patient care Qualitative study on experiences of “role players”- The Psychiatrist Further training in Scotland- limited opportunities
Higher training in East Midlands (learn on the job) - hands on experience in administering questionnaires - learnt, conducted and published systematic reviews with Cochrane Collaboration Consultant in NTW (interest and support continued…) - recruitment to various studies -PI for 2 studies (VIS and DAWN) Applied for Greenshoots (massive support) Aim -Continue to develop networks -Embed research within clinical practice and teams
Dr Neeti Sud Began clinical career in psychiatry in 2009 What interested me in research ? Desire to better support patients Limitations of clinical work Key relationships Educational supervisor – with research interests Research supervisor (ARCP) – higher training Mentorship Peer support : Clinical research officers
Dr Barry Ingram On qualification, writing up own practice for publication (e.g. team formulation) and presenting at conferences Gained RCF and Bailey Thomas funding to work on developing approaches with staff teams in autism Opportunity to be part of Lifecourse, ageing and autism programme Co-applicant on grants for patient recruitment/clinical supervision Greenshoots award PI on Improving Health of Older Autistic People project Next steps? – Build on existing networks and projects using Greenshoots and CRN support