in the first commitment period


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Presentation transcript:

in the first commitment period UNFCCC WORKSHOP Issues related to modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under article 12 in the first commitment period

Structure of the presentation Overview of mandates Objectives of the workshop Proposed work programme Work ahead

Overview of mandates Decisions 11/CP.7 and 17/CP.7: List of issues Annex on CDM modalities and procedures for afforestation and reforestation project activities (CDM M&P mutatis mutandis)

Overview of mandates SBSTA 16 and 17: Work plan and agenda Initial exchange of views amongst Parties Documents: submissions and options papers

Objectives of the workshop Facilitate exchange of view on issues related to modalities Identify main options on issues How to structure submissions on legal text on modalities by Parties?

Proposed work programme Exchange views on options for each of the issues Use submissions and options papers as basis for discussions Participants have been identified to assist the co-Chairs

Proposed work programme Issue Options Feasibility/technical and legal issues to be considered Text to be drafted or amended Relation to current modalities and other COP decisions Further work Additional comments Option 1 Option 2 . Option “n

Work ahead Submissions of legal text by Parties by 15 March 2003 MISC document to be produced by the secretariat Report of the workshop to be prepared by SBSTA Chair with assistance of co-Chairs Consolidated text by SBSTA Chair for consideration of SBSTA 18