DS595/CS525: Urban Network Analysis Prof. Yanhua Li Welcome to DS595/CS525: Urban Network Analysis Prof. Yanhua Li Time: 6:00pm –8:50pm Wed. Location: Fuller 320 Spring 2017
Class schedule See website. Review Grading Schedule has been updated. 1. Gradings are done in myWPI; Everyone please submit online 2. Presenting team: Grade based on the presentation; All team members have the same grade; Encourage to submit the slides to myWPI, for my ease of giving grade
Class schedule Project 1 timeline Week 7 (3/1 W): Conclusion, Week 6 (Today) Final report, Week 7 (Wed) Self-and-cross evaluation, Week 7 (Wed) Final presentation, Week 7 (Wed) Week 7 (3/1 W): Each team 22 minute at max including Q&A
Course Project II “research-oriented” project timeline Group Project Starting date: Week 6 (2/22 W) : Project 2: Project intent Week 7 Spring Break: Week 8 Project 2 proposal due date: Week 9 : Project 2 Progress Presentation: Week 11-13 2 teams a week meet before progress presentation Project 2 due date: Final Week Project final Presentation: Final Week Or poster style (to be determined).