Upskilling adult learners in Malta


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Presentation transcript:

Upskilling adult learners in Malta Dr Mario Cardona Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Innovation

Reaching out to adult learners Since the middle of the nineteenth century the Department of Education has offered courses for adults in basic Maltese and English. In the post-war period adult courses in Maltese and English were given to adults in the most remote parts of the island, to enable Maltese to emigrate to English speaking parts of the British empire.

The Adult Learning Unit In recent years the Adult Learning Unit has undergone a number of reforms, chief among them the pegging of its courses to the MQF/EQF. Courses in a number of different subjects were re-written to enable the Unit to provide certificates of competence rather than certificates of attendance.

A wide array of subjects Subjects that in the last six years have been developed at MQF levels 1 and 2 include Maltese, English, numeracy, digital skills Foreign languages (Italian, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Russian, Arabic) Crafts

Addressing migrants’ needs The Education and Training system needs to respond to the needs of migrant learners in Malta. Courses at MQF 1 and 2 have been developed in Maltese as a Foreign Language and English as a Foreign Language.

Second chance adult education In 2016 the National Commission for Further and Higher Education revised the Malta Qualifications Framework to include two levels below MQF level 1: Introductory levels A and B. This was done to enable educators to acknowledge the very first steps an adult will make to re-engage with learning and training.

Second chance adult education On the other hand the Adult Learning Unit also offers courses at MQF level 3 and 4 which prepare adult learners to sit for public examinations. These examinations enable learners to access tertiary education and to better their job prospects on the labour market.

Equipping adult educators The Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Innovation has offered a three-year diploma course accredited at MQF level 5 to raise the professional profile of adult educators. The diploma course will enable adult educators to reach out to adults in need of basic skills training in various areas.

Erasmus+ The Directorate is about to finalise an Erasmus+ project called Breaking Barriers. The project explored the use of digital tools to teach basic skills to adults. It contained a strong component of adult educators training in the use of digital pedagogies to reach out to adults in need of basic skills training.

EU Agenda for Adult Learning The Directorate is conducting a pilot project in a Maltese primary school with the aim of exploring how community-based schools can help to reach out to adults in the community for the purpose of enabling them to re-engage with learning. This pilot project is funded through the EU Agenda for Adult Learning.

Reaching out to adults in the community A learning space for adult learners was set up in the participating school. Learners were consulted before a learning programme was drafted. Though supported by the Directorate, the school took full ownership of the project.

A focused programme Jobs Plus, Malta’s PES, is tapping ESF Funds to provide employers and employees with financial incentives to promote work-related training. MCAST provides a wide array of part-time VET related courses. The Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Innovation, having access to the wide network of state schools on the islands, will focus on reaching out to adults through community-based schools, developing the pilot project experience utilising EU Agenda for Adult Learning funds.

Challenges The assessment of adult learners prior to joining an education and training course. Enabling local educational leaders to see beyond the confines of schools and to reach out to adults living in the communities surrounding school communities. Reaching out not only to migrant young learners but also to their families, and equipping educational leaders, teachers and adult educators with the necessary skills to do so.

Thanks Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Innovation Department for Curriculum, Research, Innovation and Lifelong Learning Ministry for Education and Employment