Rutherford County Schools Action Research Theory Behind Practice Brandi Nunnery ESL Teacher Rutherford County Schools 2007
The 4 Stages of Action Research According to…
Stage 1: Clarifying Vision and Targets WHAT DO I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH? Key Question: WHAT DO I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH? Articulate goals Clarify objectives that will contribute to reaching the goals Identify valid and reliable assessments for documenting improvement
Additional Questions To Consider What academic problems do my students face? What gaps exist in their academic ability? What new (or old!) instructional methods or materials am I interested in using with my students?
Stage 2: Articulating Theory Key Question: What do I believe is the approach with the greatest potential for achieving my goal(s)? Present a detailed rationale for conducting the research in a particular way Initiate the planning process that explores and examines the factors and variables that might affect success
Additional Questions To Consider What instructional components or characteristics would best suit the needs of the students? How should existing theories impact the chosen instructional methods?
Stage 3: Implementing Action and Collecting Data Key Question: WHAT DATA WILL I NEED TO COLLECT TO UNDERSTAND THE EFFICACY AND WORKINGS OF MY THEORY OF ACTION? Takes place during actual teaching Put theories in action as data is compiled What is being accomplished? What are the relationships between the actions and results?
Additional Questions To Consider Before teaching, how will I plan my lessons, based on my theoretical assumptions, in order to obtain the information I need? During teaching, how will I document observations? After teaching, how will I assess progress?
Stage 4: Reflecting on the Data and Planning Informed Action Key Question: BASED ON THE DATA, HOW SHOULD I ADJUST MY FUTURE INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD(S)? The first lap of the research cycle is completed Revisit visions and targets Analyze and synthesize data to produce a revised theory of action Form a basis for further action
Additional Questions To Consider How will I present my data in order to easily analyze and interpret the results? How will the analysis and interpretation of the data affect my future instructional decisions?