Data Tools to Support the Strong Workforce Program 11/29/2018 Data Tools to Support the Strong Workforce Program Outcomes Benchmarking California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students
Strong Workforce Program Process Flow Chart 11/29/2018 RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students
Strong Workforce Program Process Flow Chart 11/29/2018 RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students
Key Data Points for the Strong Workforce Program 11/29/2018 Size of CTE Programs (“more”) Enrollments Outcomes for CTE Programs (“better”) Plus one of the following: Completion Transfer Employment Employment in field of study Second quarter earnings Median change in earnings Proportion of students who attained a living wage RP available to answer detailed data questions California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students
Coming this Fall: LaunchBoard SWP Metrics Tool 11/29/2018 78% 78% $29,768 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students
Coming this Fall: LaunchBoard SWP Metrics Tool California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students
CTE Data Unlocked Experts Use your ten hours of free technical assistance to have a CTE Data Unlocked Expert: Walk your college through the local share template Examine data for your priority programs Support the process of setting goals for SWP metrics Plan for how to use the $50,000 to strengthen CTE data, based on what you learned in the local share template process Connect you to additional resources