“ Where is the Love” Written Response Writing Feedback “ Where is the Love” Written Response
1. Annotate Mark-up passage Highlight Circle Ask questions Write out to the side Put in own words Etc. Do this when you read anything!
2. Topic Sentence/Thesis: The “A” in ACES: Answer the question From here on out, use this form for ALL your topic sentences when asked to analyze a passage. This way you know for certain you have answered the question given. In the ____(poem, book, song, novel, etc)___, “Title of work,” ______(author)_______ uses _____(literary device(s) you will discuss)_____ to show ___(theme – what you think theme of the work is). Example: In the song, “Where is the Love,” by The Black Eyed Peas, the band uses repetition and symbolism to show that individuals need to love one another to make the world a better place. *Note: address both components of question: in this case, theme and literary devices
3. USE THIRD PERSON ONLY Do NOT use 1st or 2nd person (I, me/ you, your) in formal writing. First person is used for journal entries; second person is used to give advice. Whenever you are analyzing a literary work, you MUST write in 3rd person. “I think blah blah blah” = NO --- you want to establish yourself as the authority; saying “I think” does not do this Go straight into what you are saying Words to use: individuals, society, mankind, humankind, men, women, people, etc.
4. Theme: What point is the author trying to make. What is the purpose 4. Theme: What point is the author trying to make? What is the purpose? Themes say something about people or society. A theme statement is NOT simple to create - you have to think Theme cannot simply be “sadness” or “happiness” (these are words used to describe the mood or tone of a piece) Themes are NOT plot - they can apply outside of the particular literary work- can Example: If you think the theme of something is “LOVE…..” You could make a theme statement that says: “People often mistreat others, but love conquers all.” “Through trials and tribulations, love from family allows individuals to persevere” When asked a question about theme, answer with a theme statement like these!
5. Embed Quotes You cannot let a quote stand alone; you must embed quotes/citations. They should make grammatical sense in a sentence. Example: In the song, the line, “Where is the love?” is repeated several times. IN ACES, this is the “C” - CITE = CITE a QUOTE from the passage A quote does NOT have to be dialogue Citing a quote simply means taking something from the passage After you embed your quote (cite - C), then EXPLAIN, “E”that quote in your own words What are you explaining? → How that quote Proves your Thesis/Topic Sentence
6. AVOID VAGUE LANGUAGE & PRONOUNS: Many of you wrote, “It says” ... what is it? the poem? the author? You have the title of the poem and the author, so use them! NO-NO WORDS: “get” “thing” “it”