Objective: Examine “Coming of Age in the Dawnland” and “Indian Boy Love Song” to analyze the author’s choices about how to structure specific parts of the text. Standard R.L 11.5 and R.I.11.5
Free Response/Journal Entry If you visited another country and someone asked you, “What’s it like to grow up in America?” what would you say?
Transition- Discuss the four types of writing Narrative Informational Argumentative Analysis It’s recommended that teachers use skeletal notes for the following two slides instead of having students copy down every word for their notes.
In what ways can an author structure their writing? Causal: Cause/effect - it discusses the causes and then the effects regarding a particular topic or issue in that order. You might use this structure if you were writing an article on how something has come about, such as the contributing factors to air pollution. Comparison – This structure is similar to evaluative, but it is used when there are more layers to the situation at hand that is being weighed. You might use a comparative structure if you were writing a speech for a debate team to explain the various reasons why you feel your point is stronger than your opponent’s. Evaluative - In an evaluative structure, a problem is introduced, and then pros and cons are weighed. It’s recommended that teachers use skeletal notes for the following two slides instead of having students copy down every word for their notes.
Structure Continued Chronological – When your focus is more the actual telling of the story than the end result, employ a chronological structure. Sequential – This structure is similar to Chronological, but is normally employed with a how- to voice when a step-by-step process is being described. Categorical – in a categorical structure, a series of equally important topics are addressed. A political speech, like a campaign speech
Author’s purposeful choice While there are certain types of writing and structures within the writing, author’s have the choice to vary their diction, syntax, characters, paragraphs, lengths of descriptions, etc. The author’s choices allow for the readers to analyze who or what they author is describing.
Open Collections to Page 23, “Coming of Age in the Dawnland” As you read, consider the following questions: 1) What type of writing is the text? 2) How is the text set up? What is the structure? 3) Why would the author choose to start the text with the introduction of Tisquantum? 4) Why would the author choose to end his story abruptly with one sentence? 5) What is the author’s purpose? 6) How does the structure of the text support the author’s purpose? 7) How does the author portray youth in America? Click the document to the left to access a resource sheet. Half or all of the text should have been assigned for homework. It is ten pages in the Collections text.
Discuss as a whole group: Discuss the questions as a whole group and use the text to support your answers.
Formative Assessment Read the poem “ Indian Boy Love Song” Complete the Assessment resource sheet independently. Click the document for the assessment!