Computer Science Getting Ready for Year 13
Preparing for Year 13 - What do I need to do? You have all worked really hard this year and have made an amazing start to your coursework. In September there will be no more time in class for coursework. You will be expected to meet deadlines as you will be completing this in your own time. You will also need to improve your knowledge in the following areas: Python – In particular Object Orientated Programming HTML, CSS and JavaScript Unity – if you are using this for your project. In addition to this you will have a few other tasks to complete over the summer.
Coursework Expectations You all have a firm idea of your project. You need to complete the following sections of the summer. Introduction 3.1. Analysis of the problem (10 marks) 3.2 Design of the solution (15 marks) Further breakdown of each section on the next slides and your document on Google Classroom.
3.1. Analysis of the problem (10 marks) 3.1.1 Problem identification Describe and justify the features that make the problem solvable by computational methods. Explain why the problem is amenable to a computational approach. 3.1.2 Stakeholders Identify and describe those who will have an interest in the solution explaining how the solution is appropriate to their needs (this may be named individuals, groups or persona that describes the target end user). 3.1.3 Research the problem Research the problem and solutions to similar problems to identify and justify suitable approaches to a solution. Describe the essential features of a computational solution explaining these choices. Explain the limitations of the proposed solution. 3.1.4 Specify the proposed solution Specify and justify the solution requirements including hardware and software configuration (if appropriate). Identify and justify measurable success criteria for the proposed solution.
3.2 Design of the solution (15 marks) 3.2.1 Decompose the problem Break down the problem into smaller parts suitable for computational solutions justifying any decisions made. 3.2.2 Describe the solution Explain and justify the structure of the solution. Describe the parts of the solution using algorithms justifying how these algorithms form a complete solution to the problem. Describe usability features to be included in the solution Identify key variables / data structures / classes justifying choices and any necessary validation. 3.2.3 Describe the approach to testing Identify the test data to be used during the iterative development and post development phases and justify the choice of this test data.
Coursework Expectations You should also be thinking about the following sections: 3.3 Developing the solution (25 marks) 3.4 Evaluation (20 marks)
Programming Task 1 - Python Click on the image to the right or visit: Sign up for a CodeCademy account (You can use your Google login from school) Complete the Python course: Try to complete a minimum 3 to 4 tasks a week. Try to spend at least twenty minutes per day on this.
Programming Task 2 – HTML, CSS and JavaScript Click on the image to the right or visit: Sign up for a CodeCademy account – if you haven’t already (You can use your Google login from school) Complete the following courses: HTML and CSS: JavaScript: javascript Try to complete a minimum 3 to 4 tasks a week. Try to spend at least twenty minutes per day on this.
Programming Task 3 – SQL Click on the image to the right or visit: Sign up for a CodeCademy account – if you haven’t already (You can use your Google login from school) Complete the following courses: SQL: Try to complete a minimum 3 to 4 tasks a week. Try to spend at least twenty minutes per day on this.
Research Task 1 How is pipelining used to improve efficiency in a processor? Response -
Research Task 2 How may a GPU be used to improve performance apart from processing 3D graphics? Response -
Research Task 3 Review your knowledge of Logic Gates: logic/gatesfunc/index.html logic/gatesfunc/GateFrameSet.htm
Research Task 4 Review your knowledge of Binary Representation: ml
Optional Unity Task If you are using Unity to create your project, you should try to complete a tutorial: