Water use and treatment 5 Stages
Over view 4. Filtration The ‘settled sewage’ is sprinkled onto large circular beds, two metres deep, filled with stones or clinker.. bacteria and other tiny creatures feed on the organic material. This produces a sludge which settles out in special humus tanks. 2. Grit and Sand Channels .The sewage then flows along wide, deep channels where grit and sand sink to the bottom. 1 3 5. Final Settling Tank Small and fine particles settle out leaving the cleaned water, or effluent, to flow back into rivers and streams. 2 1. Screening Metal screens sieve out large objects such as wood, cans and plastics. 3. Sedimentation Tank Here, solid particles in the sewage settle at the bottom of the tank to form a thick sludge. 4 5
Collection Uses Treatment
We all use water Water in our House
Collecting Water Collecting Water
We all use water Water in our House