A Roofer’s Guide to Sustainability


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Presentation transcript:

A Roofer’s Guide to Sustainability Positioning and Installing Solar Panels YIRTG is pleased to acknowledge that the Roofers Guide to Sustainability Modular Programme was developed as a result of funding provided by CITB ConstructionSkills as part of their long term commitment to training and quality standards in the specialist roofing sector. This support is gratefully appreciated

The Plan Sign attendance Register Aims Presentation Activity Review

Course Aims To raise awareness of conditions required for the installation of solar panels To promote safe working

Activity What should be considered to ensure safe working when installing panels

Before installing solar collectors on a flat roof consider… The condition of the existing waterproofing Is the roof decking structurally sound Ensure it is safe to carryout the installation How do you intend to lift the solar panels to the roof area safely Mechanical lifting must be used wherever possible in line with current regulations. Several specific pieces of plant and equipment have been developed specifically for solar panels which should be utilised once their suitability has been properly assessed. Normal manual handling procedures should be followed for carrying solar panels and many panels, especially larger ones, will normally require at least two people per lift. As with most other roofing works, work activities with solar panels should stop when the average wind speed reaches 23mph.

The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR) Work at height should be: Properly planned Appropriately supervised Not carried out if weather conditions jeopardise health and safety Those working at height should be: competent or if being trained, supervised by a competent person As with most other roofing works, work activities with solar panels should stop when the average wind speed reaches 23mph.

Microgeneration Certification Scheme To receive Feed in tariff: - PV system must be MCS accredited Electrical system must be installed & commissioned by MCS accredited installer www.microgenerationcertification.org All installations of Solar must be carried out by a MCS approved contractor. Installations can be carried out by companies who subcontract to another who is MCS accredited.

Planning Permission In normal circumstances, solar panels are considered to be ‘permitted development’ under planning law so in most cases there is no need to apply for planning permission. With regards to pitched roofs, the panels are not allowed to extend above the ridge line or above the roof surface by more than 200mm

Conservation/Heritage sites Exceptions exist where the building is listed, or is in World Heritage site or Conservation Area. In these cases, and particularly if the panels are to be mounted on an elevation visible from the highway, then Planning Consent will be required. In these cases the panels might be mounted on an outbuilding or elevation not visible from the highway but planning permission may still be required

This might amuse you COMEDIAN and author Ben Elton has been permitted to keep the solar panels on the roof of his North Fremantle home - provided they are removed in 25 years. Mr Elton was forced to apply to Fremantle City Council for retrospective planning permission because the banks of dark-coloured glass were “unauthorised” and the building was listed on its municipal heritage register. End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar. The council has voted unanimously to approve the solar panels that power the two storey circa 1903 property. The planning and services committee agreed they be reviewed in 25 years "in order to encompass future technological advances".

Roof Structure Many traditional roofs are already at or near load capacity before installation of panels Under Part A of the Building Regulations (Structural Stability) if the weight increase is significant (i.e. over 15%) then a structural survey is required to determine whether or not strengthening work is required.

Roof Condition Roofs should have the same projected lifespan as the panels being installed Repairs required should take place before the installation of panels The roof-covering should be protected from damage during the installation of the panels Installers should ensure suitable replacement materials are available in the event of damage occurring

Maintenance Consider Maintenance of The Roof The Panels Consideration should be given when designing the solar installation, to the possible maintenance of areas of the roof most likely to be affected by adverse weather or blockages (e.g. outlets, valleys, abutments, verges, ridge, chimneys, openings, vents etc). Solar panels should not cover or inhibit ventilation products. when designing the solar installation consider, cleaning, checking and/or maintenance required during the systems useful life. Special consideration should be given for access for changing the solar sensor in a solar thermal collector as this could be a fairly common requirement over the lifetime of this component.

Maintenance Most solar heating systems are filled with an antifreeze mixture of propylene glycol solution. A typical dilution is 40% glycol and 60% water to prevent freezing fluid damaging the solar panels and connecting pipes in winter. The propylene glycol can degrade at high temperatures, gradually reducing the freeze-protection, so it is a common requirement to replace the solar system fluid from time to time (a five year cycle is common, but will depend on the size of the system relative to the heating load). Consult the supplier for recommended intervals.

Wind Loading Wind loading should be carefully calculated to ensure the solar installation will be able to maintain the expected loads placed upon it and to ensure the loads are not transferred to the roof covering. Refer to the latest guidance notes from BRE Building Research Establishment, or the NFRC National Federation of Roofing Contractors Where solar panels are fitted to pitched roofs, they generally align with the pitch of the roof and as such the overall wind load on the roof is not increased. However, ‘on-roof’ solar systems may cause localised uplift forces and so the surrounding tiles or slates must be suitably fixed.

Glossary of Terms Watt A measurement of power, the rate of energy conversion. PV Photovoltaic – a material which generates electricity when exposed to light. Cell A single PV unit. PV Module A series of single cells mounted and connected to form a /Panel single unit. Array A series of PV panels connected together. String The wiring arrangement for an array of PV panels. AC Alternating current – flow direction, changing 50 times per second. DC Direct current – continuously flows in one direction. Inverter Device to convert DC electricity to grid level AC electricity.

Knowledge Test – Check your knowledge Activity Knowledge Test – Check your knowledge

“The Yorkshire Independent Roof Training Group is pleased to acknowledge that the Roofers Guide to Sustainability has been developed and produced as a result of funding provided by CITB ConstructionSkills as part of their long term commitment to training and quality standards in the specialist roofing sector. This support is gratefully appreciated