<November 2017> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Handling of non-ULI frame and Profile repository] Date Submitted: [6 NOV 2017] Source: [Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner] Company [Landis + Gyr] Address [8-13-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan] Voice:[+81 3-4572-1407], FAX: [+81 4582-1401], E-Mail:[hidetoshi.yokota@lndisgyr.com] Re: [ULI protocol stack and flows of operations] [If this is a response to a Call for Contributions, cite the name and date of the Call for Contributions to which this document responds, as well as the relevant item number in the Call for Contributions.] [Note: Contributions that are not responsive to this section of the template, and contributions which do not address the topic under which they are submitted, may be refused or consigned to the “General Contributions” area.] Abstract: [ULI operations for ULI /non-ULI frames are revisited and Profile repository is proposed.] Purpose: [Discussion and approval.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information; they are required. This is a manual update in appropriate fields. All Blue fields are informational and are to be deleted. Black stays. After updating delete this box/paragraph. Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner (Landis+Gyr)
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> November 18 <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<15-09-0758-00-004e> <November 2017> Overview of proposal Support of non-ULI frame Review of last meeting conclusion Retrieval of Profiles Profile repository discovery Profile retrieval Slide 2 Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner (Landis+Gyr) Page 2
Support of non-ULI frame (revisit) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <November 2017> Support of non-ULI frame (revisit) Default APP ULI APP CoMI APP Checks if the corresponding device supports ULI Net work IPv6 (example) IPv6-SAP ULM-SAP ULI PDE PTH-SAP MPH-SAP KMP Pass Thru MGMT Protocol Rsvd ULI-PIB PTM-SAP MPM-SAP MMI MCPS-SAP MLME-SAP PHY/MAC MHR ULI Hdr Etype=PT Payload ULI frame MHR Payload Non ULI frame Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner (Landis+Gyr) <author>, <company>
Pass-through operation for ULI and Non-ULI frames <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <November 2017> Pass-through operation for ULI and Non-ULI frames legacy app ULI app PTH-SAP Pass Thru Source Addr ULI support Profile 0x0010 Y 0x0020 N A B Profile A ISA100.11a PTM-SAP Profile B Wireless HART Source address = 0x0010 Non ULI frame MHR Payload MHR ULI Hdr Etype=PT Payload ULI frame Source address = 0x0020 Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner (Landis+Gyr) <author>, <company>
Profile repository discovery procedure <November 2017> Profile repository discovery procedure Device MLME Profile repository MLME MGMT protocol MMI MMI-REPOSITORY-DISCOVERY.request MLME-REPOSITORY-DISCOVERY.request Enhanced Beacon Request with Profile Repository IE Repository supported Enhanced Beacon with Profile Repository IE MLME-PEPOSITORY-DISCOVERY.confirm MMI-REPOSITORY-DISCOVERY.confirm Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner (Landis+Gyr)
Profile retrieval procedure <November 2017> Profile retrieval procedure Device MLME Profile repository MLME MGMT protocol MMI MMI-PROFILE.request (Profile ID, Profile ID...) MLME-PROFILE.request (Profile ID, Profile ID...) ULI Profile Request Profile(s) discovered MLME-PROFILE.confirm (Profile, Profile...) MMI-PROFILE.confirm (Profile, Profile...) ULI Profile Response Hidetoshi Yokota, Ruben Salazar, Randy Turner (Landis+Gyr)