2018 iGO Annual Conference Election Mail International Association of Government Officials (iGO) Shawna Heaton Manager – Business Mail Entry July 20, 2018
Election Mail U.S. Postal Service Voting is the Bedrock of Our Democracy Postal Service is proud of the role we play in helping make voting accessible for voters Committed to working with Election Officials to ensure smooth processing Continue partnership with state and local Election Officials Ensure the needs of military and overseas voters are met Support State and Local Vote-by-Mail programs Many states are passing legislation to increase use of vote by mail During the 2016 election cycle, Postal Service delivered: 276 million pieces of outbound Election Mail 2.3 billion pieces of Political Mail The U. S. Postal Service is steadfast in its commitment to the democratic process and the election community. We are aware of the extent to which voters, candidates, political parties, and election officials rely upon us for timely delivery of ballots and other election-related mail, and we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities in enfranchising voters to participate in the electoral process. As a part of our universal service obligation to provide “prompt, reliable, and efficient” services to the American people, rest assured that election mail is a top priority within the Postal Service. We are committed to working with Election Officials to ensure the reliable distribution of election mailpieces from the design phase, through entry, processing, and delivery. We are proud of the work we do to support state and local Election Officials. Our strong partnerships with the Federal Voters Assistance Program and the Military Postal Service Agency help ensure that the needs of military and overseas voters are also met. As state and local election officials, political candidates, campaign committees and other voter mobilization organizations promote and encourage voting in America, we are ready to support the growth in vote-by-mail initiatives. 2
Election Community Partnership National Association of State Election Directors Election Center; Joint Election Officials Liaison Committee Bipartisan Policy Center Military Postal Service Agency Federal Voting Assistance Program National Association of Secretaries of State Local Election Offices Election Assistance Commission Counsel of State Governments International Association Government Officials Improved communications with Election Officials across the country
Recommendations Use letter-size reply envelopes Board of Elections should use First-Class Mail postage on outbound absentee or Vote-by-Mail ballots Design reply envelopes to contain: Official Election Mail logo Use Informed Visibility® (IV®) a service that provides near real-time mail tracking data for letter and flat pieces, bundles, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks) Tag 191 Domestic and International Ballots Official Ballot Mailings - Provide a sample mailpiece with all contents, exceptions (see DMM 703.8) Use letter-size reply envelopes The Postal Service highly recommends the use of letter-size reply envelopes. The use of letter size reply envelopes will increase the operational likelihood that the ballot receives a postmark. Board of Elections should use First-Class Mail postage on outbound Vote-by- Mail or Absentee Ballots Board of Elections should use First-Class Mail postage rather than standard or non-profit postage rates when paying for the delivery of outbound absentee or vote by mail ballots. Most First-Class Mail is delivered within 2-5 days. Please use USPS-approved practices to maximize postage discounts for First-Class Mail (e.g., presort First-Class Mail). Reply Envelope Design – Front of Envelope to Contain: Official Election Mail Logo Voters recognize the mail as important Postal workers can distinguish it from the thousands of other mailpieces processed daily Informed Visibility® (IV®) is a free subscription-based service that provides near real-time tracking information for your automation-compatible letters and flats, giving advance notice for both incoming and outgoing mail. Mailing Entry Preparation Use TAG 191 Green Tag 191 Domestic and International Ballots identifies trays and sacks that contain ballot mail Provides greater visibility during mailing induction Tag 191 can ONLY be applied to ballot mail, such as Vote-by-Mail Ballot and Absentee Ballots Available at Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) Sample Mailpieces It is a best practice to provide physical samples of mailpieces to your Mailpiece Design Analyst for verification and testing purposes. At the time of mail entry we strongly encourage the mailer to supply an unaddressed copy of all OEM mailpieces. However, for official ballots, regardless of class of mail, the mailer must provide a sample mailpiece with its contents, unless an exception is met. (see DMM 703.8) Postage Statement Check-off the “Yes” box next to “This is Official Election Mail” Test mailings It is a best practice to test mailpiece processing, tracking and reporting with a seed mailing in advance of a large election mailing. It’s better to test for design or coding issues on test mailings so that any issues can be addressed before an election. 4
Recommendations contd. Return by Mail Date Guidance Domestic non-military voters The Postal Service recommends that voters mail their ballots at least one week early to account for any unforeseen events or weather issues APO/FPO The Military Postal Service Agency recommends that military personnel serving overseas follow the return by mail date for their location published here usps.com/electionmail Voter communication is an essential component of preventing late ballots Election Officials should consider including a voter notification in the ballot material packet to ensure the timely delivery of ballots. Return by mail dates are based on state and local laws, but the Postal Service recommends the following: 5
Issue Resolution Two-Step Approach Election Mail Coordinators - single point of contact for Election Officials Election Officials report issues through ElectionMail.org Issues automatically sent to local Election Mail Coordinator for investigation and resolution Provided national visibility of issues and ability to identify trends and address systemic issues For any report we receive, even if there is only one or a few ballots affected, the Postal Service takes the following action: Conduct a full investigation on a case-by-case basis. Work with local election officials to gather information and determine the possible cause. When an Intelligent Mail Barcode is included on a mailpiece, we use that data to locate individual pieces and send any ballot to its intended destination. Issues are reviewed with a cross-functional team at regular meetings that increase in frequency to daily in the weeks prior to the general election to identify and implement solutions.
Challenges Frequent Issues Reported Return Ballot envelopes were delivered back to voter Voter address information and multiple barcodes printed on the back of Return Ballot envelopes resulted in automation equipment using voter address as the delivery address Missing Postmarks on Return Ballot envelopes Missing or obscured Facer Identification Marks (FIMs) resulted in mailpieces not being oriented correctly on automation equipment for postmarking on front of envelope Many Return Ballot envelopes are not compatible with automation equipment and require manual processing for a postmark
Challenges Late Delivery Many Ballots are mailed using Nonprofit Standard Mail Service standards for Standard Mail are 3-10 days Service standards for First-Class Mail are 2-5 days Ballots arrive at our plants without Tag 191 Domestic and International Ballots, making it less visible for processing staff Deadlines for requesting absentee ballots are very close to Election Day in some states
2018 Election Cycle Updates Updated Interactive Election and Political Mail Map Identify Election and Political Mail coordinators http://about.usps.com/gov-services/election-mail/ Now includes Business Mail Entry Unit addresses and phone numbers ZIP Code lookup feature has been added to the front of the map
2018 Election Cycle Updates Postal Service’s Operational Focus Conducting employee training on Election Mail, including a series of national webinars and employee service talks. Topics included: Outreach process Issue reporting and resolution Mail Entry processes Handling Military Ballots Key election dates by state We will implement daily “all clear of ballots” certification at all Post Offices and mail processing plants during weeks before and after local election primaries and Election Day
2018 Election Cycle Updates Postal Service Outreach Election Mail Coordinators are using a standardized checklist and approach to facilitate customer meetings The Postal Service provides information on Election Mail in a variety of ways. Postal Bulletin Cover Story (PB22437) KIT 600 – The 2018 Official Election Mail Program Kit Available online usps.com/electionmail The Postal Bulletin Cover Story and KIT 600 - The 2018 Official Election Mail Program Kit clearly define election mail services. Election officials are encouraged to refer to both publications when preparing their mailings. To help Election Officials in the planning and preparation of election-related mail, the Postal Service™ has developed the 2016 Official Election Mail™ Program Kit. The kit is part of our continued commitment to provide you with the tools necessary to use the U.S. Mail™ as a secure, efficient, and effective way to facilitate the election process. The 2018 Official Election Mail Kit distributed to 7,500 State/Local Election Officials
https://about.usps.com/gov-services/election-mail/ Election Mail Website The USPS Election Mail Website contains the information that election officials need for success in an election. On the site, you can find: KIT 600 Publication 631 Publication 632 Mailpiece design tips Contact information for your Area Lead and District Election Mail Coordinators https://about.usps.com/gov-services/election-mail/ 1212
Election Mail Website KIT 600: The 2018 Official Election Mail Program Kit A comprehensive, written resource for state and local election officials. Tag 191 Fact Sheet and Sample Tag Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking and Reporting (IV®-MTR) Fact Sheet Steps to Creating Your Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb®) Fact Sheet Special Procedures APO/FPO Fact Sheet Official Election Mail Program Overview Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) Fact Sheet Election Mail Checkbox Fact Sheet Cancellations Fact Sheet Publication 631: Official Election Mail—Graphic Guidelines and Logos Publication 632, State and Local Election Mail—User’s Guide (with a step-by-step checklist for election officials) 1313
https://postalpro.usps.com/operations/mteor Election Mail Website Supply Fulfillment Order Mail Transport Equipment The Mail Transport Equipment Ordering System (MTEOR) Provides a fast, reliable, and convenient place for Mailers to request mail transport equipment (MTE) directly from a Postal Plant or a MTESC. Mailers who request at least one pallet (approximately 100 pieces) of stacked trays, tubs, sacks or sleeves, any quantity of plastic pallets, or rolling stock from a Postal plant should use MTEOR. https://postalpro.usps.com/operations/mteor 1414
2018 Election Cycle Updates Tag 191 Can now be ordered online and mailed directly to Local Election Offices Tags are to be affixed to trays, tubs, pallets, and sacks Election Mail Visibility Use Informed Visibility® (IV®) a service that provides near real-time mail tracking data for letter and flat pieces, bundles, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks) The Election Community has asked for a more convenient way to order Tag 191 so we delivered. New for 2018 Tag 191 can now be ordered online and mailed directly to your office Informed Visibility has replaced IMb Tracing. Informed Visibility includes geospatial tracking to more accurately inform your decisions based on high likelihood your mailpiece has been delivered.
2018 Election Cycle Updates Ballot Mail Visibility Developing Service Type Identifiers (STIDs) and 9-Digit ZIP Codes Goals Identify Ballots on-hand and enable tracking in the mailstream Sort all Ballots and Election Mail on automation equipment Benefits Increased visibility of outbound/returning ballot mail within the automation environment Enable passive identification and tracking of ballot mail Increase public confidence in the “voting by mail” process Phased Approach Enable visibility of Ballot Mail by utilizing elements in an IMb Utilize identifiable elements in letter and flat IMb to enable tracking Identify ballots enroute to voter and constituent addresses Identify completed ballots enroute to the election board Use scan data to create reports in Informed Visibility (IV) Returning marked ballot mail can be sorted to specific bins (hold outs) on automation equipment The Postal Service is evaluating the use of Service Type Identifiers (STIDs) and 9-Digit Zip Codes to support processing visibility and enhanced reporting to Local Election Offices.
Service Type Identifier (STID) 2018 Election Cycle Updates Ballot Mail Visibility Service Type Identifier (STID) A 3-digit field used to identify the class of mail and any additional or special services requested for the piece such as OneCode ACS, IMb Tracing, no service or ballot mail tracking Defines the mailpiece as Full-Service, Basic or Non-Automation Used to determine the disposition of Undeliverable-As-Addressed (UAA) mail and the form of address correction desired by the mailer Identifies whether IMb Tracing is desired Service Type Identifier (STID) Ex: 300 for First-Class Mail® Barcode ID Ex: 50 for Mixed AADC Mailer ID Ex: 123456 USPS assigned Routing Code Ex: 6449 Amber Ct., Memphis, TN 38141834649 Serial Number Ex: 200800001 Mailer assigned
2018 Election Cycle Updates STIDs now….. A 3-digit field used to identify the class of mail and any additional or special services requested for the piece such as OneCode ACS, IMb Tracing, no service or ballot mail tracking Defines the mailpiece as Full-Service, Basic or Non-Automation Used to determine the disposition of Undeliverable-As-Addressed (UAA) mail and the form of address correction desired by the mailer Identifies whether IMb Tracing is desired
2018 Election Cycle Updates STIDs Future Parallel STIDs for Election Mail have been approved and established One unique STID (777) to be used for Returning Ballots (votes)
What to do NOW Contact your Election Mail Coordinators Single point of contact for questions and issue resolution Assist with mailpiece design Coordinate timelines Issue resolution To reach your Election Mail Coordinator http://about.usps.com/gov-services/election-mail/
What to do NOW Contact your Mailpiece Design Analyst (MDA) Work with MDAs to review all Outbound and Return Ballot envelopes Receive mail piece design consultation for mailing standards Maximize automation compatibility and pricing Receive technical assistance for printers, graphic designers, and envelope manufacturers To reach an MDA MDA Support Center at 855-593-6093 e-mail mda@usps.gov Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8 am-6 pm ET Ask State Election Directors to support local elections jurisdictions by developing ballot envelope design certification processes. Having ballot envelope designs approved in advance of use will help ensure Postal Service automation compatibility and minimize mailpiece missorts.
Thank you! U.S. Postal Service Committed to working with Election Officials to ensure smooth processing Continue partnership with Election Officials Let’s grow Election Mail together