RR-TAG Opening Report July 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0xxxr0 RR-TAG Opening Report July 2017 6 November 2017 Authors: Name Company Phone email Rich Kennedy (Chair) HP Enterprise +1 737-202-7014 rich.kennedy@hpe.com Jay Holcomb Itron +1.509.891.3281 jay.holcomb@itron.com Rich Kennedy, HPE Andrew Myles, Cisco
Agenda Vice-chair, Jay Holcomb will preside Approve Berlin minutes Discussion items Regulatory work in progress Status of completed work Actions required TBD AOB and Adjourn Agenda Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise
Discussion Items Americas updates EMEA updates APAC updates Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 Discussion Items Americas updates FCC Mid-band spectrum NOI in Reply Comments New spectrum bill proposed (S.1682 AIRWAVES Act) DSRC in 5.9 GHz still being debated FCC Technical Advisory Committee on improving regulations EMEA updates 6 GHz band opening study in process 60 GHz band adjustments started APAC updates India (TRAI) consultations Australia consultations The Global Public Policy Committee approval process Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise John Doe, Some Company
Actions Required TBD (TAG will decide on Tuesday) Rich Kennedy, HP Enterprise