Factor Analysis of Network Flow Throughput Measurements for Inferring Congestion Sharing Dogu Arifler and Brian L. Evans Eastern Mediterranean University - The University of Texas at Austin European Signal Processing Conference Antalya, Turkey, September 4-8, 2005 http://www.emu.edu.tr http://www.ece.utexas.edu
Inference of congested path sharing Motivation: Network managers need information about resource sharing in other networks to better plan for services and diagnose performance problems Internet service providers need to diagnose configuration errors and link failures in peer networks Content providers need to balance workload and plan cache placement Problem: In general, properties of networks outside one’s administrative domain are unknown Little or no information on routing, topology, or link utilizations Solution: Network tomography Inferring characteristics of networks from available network traffic measurements
Autoregressive model for available capacity time available capacity TCP flow 1 TCP flow 2 Duration of f1=20 overlap time Throughput Correlation Throughputs of TCP flows that temporally overlap at a congested resource are correlated Removing large- and small-sized flows helps in capturing positive throughput correlations due to resource sharing high correlation for temporally overlapping flows Start time of f2
Measured data: component variances Use 4 flow classes: AOL1, AOL2, HotMail1, and Hotmail2 Filter flow records based on Packets: Discard flows consisting of only 1 packet Duration: Discard flows with duration shorter than 1 second Size: Discard flows with sizes < 8 kB or > 64 kB Normalized component variances: 2 significant components with explanatory power of 72% for Dataset2002 and 63% for Dataset2004 Principal component Dataset2002 95% confidence interval Dataset2004 1 (1.5457, 1.7900) (1.3646, 1.4786) 2 (1.0861, 1.3206) (1.0237, 1.1603) 3 (0.7058, 0.9150) (0.8230, 0.9690) 4 (0.2194, 0.4458) (0.5413, 0.6379)
Measured data: factor analysis Based on 2 significant components, determine factor loadings Rotated factor loading estimates: Rows correspond to classes Columns correspond to shared infrastructure Estimate 95% bootstrap confidence intervals for loadings to establish accuracy† With 95% confidence, we can identify which flow classes share infrastructure! Dataset2002 Dataset2004 AOL1 AOL2 HotMail1 Hotmail2 AOL1 AOL2 HotMail1 Hotmail2 † D. Arifler, Network Tomography Based on Flow Level Measurements, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2004.