Engaging and Supporting Surgical Research: Research Design Service 9 February 2012 Andy Barton
The NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) supports researchers to develop and design high quality research proposals for submission to NIHR and other national, peer- reviewed funding competitions for applied health or social care research.
To offer fit for purpose advice and support on research design and methodology to researchers making funding applications… To increase the number and proportion of high quality applications for funding …
RDS: Purpose To help researchers develop and design high quality research proposals for submission to national, peer- reviewed funding competitions for applied health and social care research To provide consistent national coverage, with a focus on NHS-based researchers applying to NIHR Programmes To offer access to a range of expertise in research design and to refer to other sources of expert advice on the applied health and social care research system
Delivering the service Almost all university-based Central Co-ordinating Centre Number of sites Team of Research Design Advisors Access to more specialist advisors Close links with other services, eg CTUs Some training – but limited Support for Public and Patient Involvement
Helping to build successful grant applications Self care – information RDS Direct – telephone/ queries Primary care – face-to-face discussions Secondary care – involving other RDS staff Tertiary care – other specialist input Follow-up care – fixable faults and troubleshooting
RDS national figures 2009/ projects 217 outline applications (62% short-listed) 662 full applications (35% funded) 2010/ projects 311 outline applications (54% short-listed) 839 full applications (37% funded)
Support infrastructure: Where the RDS fits (CLAHRC)Research Question RDS &Study Design CTUFunding Application CLRN Study Execution CTUAnalysis Dissemination (CLAHRC)Implementation
Find out more Visit: ch_design_services.aspx
Thank you 9 February 2012