European Forest Accounts – Data users & dissemination, as identified by the 2018 survey of correspondents Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry 20-21 FEB 2018
National users of EFA data identified by the 2018 EFA survey, Table B1: 1. Statistical Offices in-house use in Switzerland, France and Austria (National Accounts including assets accounts, Environmental Accounts) 2. Ministries: a. Environment (Switzerland: for monitoring forestry policy; Austria; France), b. Agriculture and rural development (in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Portugal) c. Finance (in Portugal and Austria); the tax inspectorate in Luxembourg 3. Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF, National Research Council of the SNSF, National Research Programme NRP 66 - Resource Wood
National users of EFA data identified by the 2018 EFA survey, Table B1: 4. Universities in Austria (e.g. BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) 5. Swiss School for Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL 6. The Federal States (governments) in Austria 7. Economic intelligence for a. The forestry and logging industry in France b. The institution producing sustainable development indices in France
National users of EFA data identified by the 2018 EFA survey, Tables B3&C1: • Market development analysis of the wood value chain • Analysis of the circular economy by policy, administration and research • Monitoring of resource management by policy, administration and research • Industry (e.g. planning instruments), policy makers, stakeholders such as the forest-based industry or NGOs • National accounts supply and use tables in Finland and the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Users of EFA data at EU level Compile and/or validate environmental accounts and National Accounts Validate calculation of Gross National Income, the basis for the own contribution of the Member States to the EU budget Input for provisioning services in ecosystems accounts (KIP-INCA) Other Commission services: Agriculture and rural development Environment Climate action Industrial development Joint Research Centre all need EFA data to monitor economic and physical variables of forests & forestry, policy development and research including modelling Horizon 2020 research project DIABOLO (Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks) – verify results
Dissemination products identified by the 2018 EFA survey, CH: Swiss Statistical Yearbook (French/German), extract "Panorama": Forestry Pocket Statistics: FSO News: Economic valuation of standing timber in Switzerland: Dedicated web pages: Economic accounts for forestry (French/German):
Dissemination products identified by the 2018 EFA survey UK published returns: German Environmental-Economic Accounting: annual publication of the German Federal Statistical Office German report on EFA methodology & data: Slovakia: expert papers in journals, Green reports, Expert reports to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic Portugal, Agricultural Statistics:
Dissemination products identified by the 2018 EFA survey Portugal, EFA press release: Portugal, EFA tables: Austria: Austria: EFA Table B1 is used as input to Environmental Goods and Services and to National Accounts
2018 EFA survey: outlook Austria plans to provide data according to the ESA 2010 / EFA concepts (including forest trees' net annual increment as output) as of 2019. EFA Table B1 data will be published in several publications, such as “Statistik der Landwirtschaft”, which is an annual compendium of statistics on agriculture and forestry. Latvia plans to resume EFA production in either 2018 or 2019.
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