A Family of Hydrophobic Macromolecules Lipids A Family of Hydrophobic Macromolecules
Lipid Facts Fat: Oil: Contribute 30-50% of calories for Americans . Lipids are primarily consumed for energy Diverse groups:
Lipid Facts Continued .
Types of Lipids 4 major sub-groups: 1) Glycerides (fats) 2) Phospholipids 3) Steroids 4) Waxes
Lipids Attached to… Lipid + Carbohydrate = (cell signalling and attaching) Lipid + Phosphate = (cell membranes) Lipid + Protein = (cell signalling, structure, attaching)
Function . 2. . 3. .
4. Structural: 5. Vitamins and Hormones 6. Waxes:
Glycerides (Fats) . Glycerides are defined by their fatty acid components: Number (1 to 3 fatty acid) Length Degree of saturation (referring to if double bonds between carbons are present or not)
Glycerol . GLYCEROL Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Glycerin_Skelett.svg
Fatty Acids . Usually hydrophobic (can be amphipathic)
Naming Glycerides Monglycerides = 1 fatty acid Diglycerides = 2 fatty acids Triglycerides = 3 fatty acids
Fatty Acid Nomenclature Based on: Number of carbons Number of double bonds Oleic Acid
Saturated . Implicated in coronary heart disease (CHD) Meats, dairy Unsaturated Less stable to off flavor development Vegetables, legumes, fish
Linolenic Acid, an Omega 3 Fatty Acid Polyunsaturated: Highly Unsaturated: Omega 3 Fatty Acids Good for reducing CHD High in fish Linolenic Acid, an Omega 3 Fatty Acid
Unsaturated Fatty Acids . Trans double bonds Cis double bonds
Unsaturated: double bonds between 1 or more carbons Saturated: only single bonds
Formation of a triglyceride
Phospholipids . Cell membrane Amphipathic: Phosphate head = hydrophillic Fatty acid tails = hydrophobic Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Phospholipid.svg
Form micelles, liposomes or bilayers in water Cell membranes (selectively permeable) are composed of bilayers of phospholipids. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cell_membrane_detailed_diagram.svg
Steroids . Also a membrane component CHOLESTEROL Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cholesterol.svg PROGESTERONE Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Progesterone-2D-skeletal.png TESTOSTERONE Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Testosterone_structure.png
Steroids made from Cholesterol Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b0/Steroidfromcholesterol.PNG
Cholesterol Why is cholesterol important in the body? . Foods high in cholesterol Organ meats Eggs Shellfish
CONNECTION Anabolic steroids pose health risks Anabolic steroids are natural and synthetic variants of the male hormone testosterone Build up bone and muscle mass Can cause serious health problems
(4 ring compounds)
Waxes Extremely hydrophobic Cutin: cuticle of leaf
Function and Structure of Lipids Lipid Molecule Function Structure Glycerides Phospholipids Steroids