HENRY VIII Good King or Bad King?
Good things about Henry Bad things about Henry
Henry VIII. KEY WORDS . OPINION – What somebody thinks about another person. PRIMARY SOURCE – A source written or made at the time. SECONDARY SOURCE – A source written or made after the time. MOTIVE – The reason for writing or making the source. RELIABLE – Is the source true or false.
Henry VIII painted by Hans Holbein while Henry was still alive.
(French Ambassador 1540 writing to the king of France) A. “He is rich but wants more money. He has made his people poor. He trusts no one and will get blood on his hands if he doubts anyone.” (French Ambassador 1540 writing to the king of France) B. “He is interested only in girls and hunting.” (An unknown Spanish gentleman in 1525) C. “He is England’s most cruel and abominable tyrant.” (The Pope Clement VII in 1530) D. When Henry met his fourth wife she wasn’t as pretty as he had hoped. So Henry called her a ‘horse’ and divorced her. E. Once, in 1537, when two men didn’t agree with him, Henry became very angry. He promised “… to kill them, their wives and their children…” F. Henry was King for 38 years. In that time, about 72,000 people were executed. That’s about 1,900 a year, or 5 every day. G. “He is a very well educated man, he speaks four languages. He has a great love of poetry. He is a very religious man....” (English Bishop in 1524) H. “I can’t wait to be in your arms and to kiss you. It has been too long.” (A letter sent from Henry to his second wife) I “I believe we are very good friends but I think he would kill me if it would get him a castle in France.” (Thomas More in a private conversation in 1525) J. “His majesty is the handsomest King I ever seen… He is a lot handsomer than the King of France.” (An unknown English gentleman in 1535)
List the facts in the written source. How do you know they are facts? List the opinions in the written source. Which source is the most accurate the painting or the writing?
Homework Henry VIII has just died. You are a writer for a newspaper Homework Henry VIII has just died. You are a writer for a newspaper. Write a short newspaper report in your exercise book. Include a Headline, a picture of Henry, and evidence that he was a good king or a bad king. Use the sources from the quotes and what you know