We have completed some fantastic writing this month We have completed some fantastic writing this month. We have learned how to use words with the suffix ‘ly’ at the end and composed wonderful setting descriptions for them. Last week we got into character and became a Goonie! We found a pirate ship and wrote the ending to the story. We loved acting it out first. Not only this but we spent a lovely afternoon seeking out pirates by the River Thames. It is very close and we recommend everyone to nip over and have a look. Sometimes there are seals there! In Maths we have used our understanding of partitioning and number bonds to begin adding and subtracting both in our heads and using pictures. It helps when we use our place value to support us too. We have been solving problems by finding one more and one fewer than too. We need to make sure we practise our 5 and 10 times tables at home now. This month we have been learning animals and their babies. We have learned that some animals come from their mother’s womb, others hatch from eggs and some even hatch from eggs underwater! Wow! We particularly enjoyed learning how spawn becomes tadpoles and then eventually turns into a frog! It is a miracle! We have also been learning what all animals need to live. We have also been enjoying climbing and trying out balances on our new wall apparatus. It is really fun and we are building up our strength now. October Another wonderful month packed full of learning. Just a reminder to listen to your child read everyday and support them to complete their homework. Please also remember to ensure you child has their P.E kit and has appropriate clothing for the weather. Please come and enjoy Fun Friday Reading at 8:45am every Friday too.