Roman Government Ms. Barker 6 Gr SS
SPQR SPQR- The Senate and the People of Rome A republic- a type of government where people elect officials to represent them A reminder Rome would never allow a king to rule again
The Etruscans Arrived on Italian Peninsula around 900 BCE Their alphabet was based off the Greek alphabet Treated women as equals Developed city states who worked together Their trade route included Rome Romans were not Etruscans As Rome grew stronger, Etruscans grew weaker
Roman Republic- The Senate Ran by the senate The senate passes all laws and taxes All members were patricians or wealthy landowners Two consuls were the head of the senate Senate members served for life
Roman Republic - Consuls Ran the senate Controlled legions of Rome Selected The senator Elected by majority vote by citizens of Rome Served for one year
Roman Republic - Assemblies Elected by citizens from the Plebian class Had no real power in government social structure Had the power of most citizens behind them
Government Structure
Citizens Patricians- were the upper class and wealthy land owners Plebeians were the lower class. Included anyone who was not a patrician In both classes- All free adult males were citizens (women and slaves had no rights) Oldest male was head of the family Houses designed the same Everyone spoke Latin worshipped the same gods
12 Tables The patricians and plebeians met to develop the 12 tables Engraved on metal and hung in the forum so all could read and understand the laws Remained on display during the republic Laws applied to everyone.
12 Tables Examples Here are a few of the laws of the Roman Republic from the Twelve Tables These have been simplified and reworded but hopefully the meanings have not been changed. If you are called to appear in court you have to go. If you don't you can be arrested and forced to go. If you need a witness in court and they refuse to go you can stand in front of their house and shout out how they are refusing to do their duty as a citizen. You can do this once every three days. Should a tree on a neighbor's farm be bent by the wind and lean over onto your farm, you can go to court and get the tree cut down.
If fruit falls from your trees it is yours no matter where it falls. If you lied in court you would be thrown off of the Tarpeian Rock. You could not hold a political or business meeting at night. Dinner parties and religious festivals at night were ok. Everyone who died had to buried or burned outside the city. Rich people could not marry poor people and vice versa (plebeians and patricians). This law did get changed later.
Julius Ceaser Was an able administrator and famous army general Wrote new laws and changed the way provinces were ruled Citizens believed he could fix the problems of Rome Used his own army to conquer the senate and save Rome Named Dictator for life Murdered by Cassius and Brutus which brought an end to the roman republic
Augustus Octavian known as Augustus Ceaser, the first emperor was heir and nephew of Julius Ceaser Kept the assemblies of the republic Asked advice from senators Showed other politicians respect All soldiers were loyal to Augustus not Rome Brought about the Pax Romana (Roman Peace)– a period of peace and prosperity
Women IN rome During the Republic women had no rights They stayed home and taught young girls how to cook, sow, be good wives and run a household. Once Rome became an empire women gained rights Right to conduct business Some freedom Gained paid jobs, able to free slaves and own land Still under guardianship of a father or husband