Early Roman Cultures Ancient Rome
Rome the city VS. Rome the empire
Rome Rome was a city that ruled one of the world’s greatest empires Began as wooden huts, but grew rich and powerful By 300 AD over a million people lived in the city and had a total of 50 million people living in the empire
Early Tribes and Cultures that influenced Rome Etruscans contributed the most 1st civilized people in Italy Taught Romans architecture and engineering Buildings and roads Latins Original Roman ancestors Developed unified language of the Empire Greeks Religion, but changed the names Arts, like statues and buildings Architecture, like the columns we studied Carthaginians Rivals of Rome Fought in Punic Wars against Rome
The legend of Romulus and Remus The Age of the Kings The legend of Romulus and Remus The history of Romulus Romulus, the first king Came to power in 753 BC There were a total of 7 kings They were not very nice Romans finally revolted against Etruscan kings Roman government ends monarchy and replaces with a Republic
The Age of the Republic
The Citizens of Rome during the Republic Consuls Two leaders that were advised by 300 senators Elected for a one year term Patricians Senators for life Aristocratic class ($$$$) Could hold political, military, and religious offices Could vote Plebeians All other citizens Peasants, shopkeepers, craftsmen, small traders Mostly poor Can’t hold office By the way, this only applies to men. Women and slaves are not citizens
The Age of the Republic Begins with a struggle for power between patricians and plebeians Plebeians had fewer rights BUT still had to pay taxes and serve in the army (NOT COOL) Patricians need plebeians so they compromise. Plebeians form the Council of Plebeians or Assembly of Tribes which elects it’s own officials called Tribunes
SENATE ASSEMBLY CONSULS http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/romanrepublic/
SENATE ASSEMBLY CONSULS http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/romanrepublic/
SENATE ASSEMBLY CONSULS http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/romanrepublic/
SENATE ASSEMBLY CONSULS http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/romanrepublic/