AIM: Why do we need government? Do now trivia: I’m what happens when a person absorbs into another’s culture________________ I am the unique way in which a group of people live ________ I am one negative result of cultural diffusion_______________ Cultural assimilation culture Spread of disease HW: In one paragraph, discuss 2 advantages (positives) and 2 disadvantages (negatives) of living in a democracy.
“HUMANS WOULD CEASE (BECOME EXTINCT) TO EXIST WITHOUT GOVERNMENT.” What does this statement mean? Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? What do we call a society where no organized government exists? Can this work?
WHAT TYPE OF GOVERNMENT IS BEING DISCUSSED IN EACH DOCUMENT? DOCUMENT 1: The pharaoh was an absolute ruler. He commanded the army and controlled irrigation and grain supplies. People in this society considered the pharaoh to be a god. ABSOLUTE MONARCHY
NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: DOCUMENT 2: This civilization was founded in 750 B.C. This early city-state contained two main social classes: the patricians and the plebeians. In early times, these people overthrew their king and created a type of government in which leaders were elected. Power was shared between the Senate and two consuls elected by the Senate. REPUBLIC
NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: DOCUMENT 3: The Nazi Party took over every aspect of this country’s social, economic & political life. In Hitler’s “Third Reich” the following changes took place: human rights violations, control of education, persecution of Jews & a secret police was established. Hitler quickly secured his power by burning down a legislative building. He then blamed the Communists for the fire and used the incident to obtain emergency powers, becoming an absolute ruler. DICTATORSHIP