Key Terms #2 Ancient Government and Society Unit 1 World History
Essential Questions: What are the roles and responsibilities of government? Are modern civilizations more 'civilized' than ancient ones - how?
8. Patriarchal A type of society where the husband has power over wife, children, and slaves. The ancestry followed the male line. Think about this: What type society do we have today? In today’s society whose last name is used after the wedding? Type of society where the husband has power over his wife, children and slaves
9. Oligarchy Oligarchy is the rule of a few. It is usually a small group of wealthy citizens. It is based the Greek Polis (city-state). Oligarchy The rule of a few A small group of wealthy citizens. Based on the Greek Polis (city-state). NEXT SLIDE: Democracy
10. Democracy All citizens run government. Women and slaves were excluded. It is also based on the Greek Polis. Democracy All citizens run government. Women and slaves were excluded. Also based on the Greek Polis. Next Slide: Socratic Method – Greeks were thinkers!
11. Republic A republic is a representative democracy meaning that representatives are elected to serve for citizens. Greeks were interested in ideas and philosophy while Romans were concerned with creating institutions that actually served a practical purpose. i.e. Banking, tax collectors, etc. Republic A republic is a representative democracy meaning that representatives are elected to serve for citizens. Greeks were interested in ideas and philosophy while Romans were concerned with creating institutions that actually served a practical purpose. Ie. Banking, tax collectors, etc. NEXT SLIDE: Patricians (wealthy Romans).
What type of government does the United States have? A Democracy or a Republic?
The answer is in the pledge…
12. Patricians Patricians were wealthy Roman landowners. They dominated the Roman Government. Provided military leadership. Held most of the knowledge on law. Patricians Wealthy Roman landowners. Dominated the Roman Government. Provided military leadership. Monopoly on knowledge on law. NEXT SLIDE: Plebeians (poor) Roman sculpture of patricians
13. Plebeians Some Plebeians were wealthy, most were poor. They were artisans, small farmers, and landless urban dwellers. They were free citizens but patricians dominated politics. Plebeians Some were wealthy, most were poor. Artisans, small farmers, and landless urban dwellers. Free citizens but patricians dominated politics. NEXT SLIDE: Christianity Toga – Roman traditional clothing.
14. Socratic Method The method of teaching by asking questions developed by Socrates Characterized by: Investigation and definition. Dialogue NOT debate. Dialogue is: suspending judgment examining our own work without defensiveness exposing our reasoning and looking for limits to it Socrates
Essential Questions: What are the roles and responsibilities of government? Are modern civilizations more 'civilized' than ancient ones - how?