Standing up for what she believed in… Rosa Parks Standing up for what she believed in…
Born on February fourth nineteen thirteen to Leona Edwards and James Mcauley Capitalize February, check is it Mcauley
Rosa grew up on her grandparents farm
Married Raymond Parks in nineteen thirty two Write 1932, dates are written with numerals, also what month and day
She finished high school in nineteen thirty three Write 1933
As she grew up she was a devout Christian
In nineteen forty she joined the NAACP national association advanced colored people.
She took a job in the unsegregated Maxwell air force base
Rosa earned the medal of freedom in 1987
In 1999 Rosa was named by the Time magazine Rosa most influential
In 1955 while riding the bus home she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat
In 2000 the Rosa parks library was dedicated at the troy university in Montgomery Alabama.