Infinitive VERBS The INFINITIVE or “original state of a verb” To run To play To sing To feel To be I want to sing in a band someday.
Action VERBS The ACTION verb shows action Run (running) Play (playing, played) Sing (singing, sang, sung) Jump (jumping, jumped) The boy skied down the mountain.
Linking Verbs The LINKING/BE verb joins the subject with a predicate adjective or noun Am Is Are Was Were The boy is smart. (predicate adjective) The girls were dancers. (predicate noun)
Helping Verbs The HELPING verb helps out the main verb in sentence, making a verb phrase I am going to the mall. She can win the contest. He will join the circus. Examples: Can Could Being Been Have Will Be Would Should
Gerunds Every gerund, without exception, ends in ing. Gerunds are not, however, all that easy to identify. Present participle action verbs ALSO end in –ing. Gerunds function as nouns. They will be subjects and objects in a sentence. Present participles, on the other hand, show an action. Read these examples of gerunds: Texting is dangerous in the car. Texting = subject (it is a noun here—dangerous describes the texting) Since Francisco was five years old, swimming has been his passion. Swimming = subject (it is a noun here)
Verb Tense Past, Present, Future Stay consistent when writing Example: I will go to the store and bought some chocolate. I went to open the door, and he says, “hi!”