On your white boards write down: Quick Start On your white boards write down: What are the five W’s of Statistics the difference between quantitative data and categorical data
Chapter 3 Graphing Categorical Data Objective: Students will be able to interpret graphs made from categorical data
Proportions In data analysis we don’t just want numbers we want proportions. Do you know another math word for proportions? Percentages
Percentages Practice Give me the percentage for each fraction: 4/5 20/100 Three out of five people have siblings 10/20 Three quarters of the football team are seniors
The Area Principle The area principle says that the area occupied by a part of the graph should correspond to the size of the value it represents.
Bar Charts Displays the distribution of a categorical variable, showing the counts for each category next to each other for easy comparison.
Classwork: Making a Bar Graph What kind of music do you like? Rand B EDM Country Rock Alternative Pop 5 2 6 1 4
Classwork: Making a Bar Graph What kind of pet do you own? Dog Cat Rabbit Reptile Bird Fish 24 7 3 2 10
Pie Charts Show the whole group of cases as a circle. They slice the circle into pieces whose sizes are proportional to the fraction of the whole in each category.
Classwork: Making a Pie Chart Taking our data from the pet question. We will make a pie chart using that data. Step one when making a pie chart is to always use percentages!!!!
Contingency Tables Blue Brown Green/Hazel/Other Total Male 1 7 3 11 Female 9 2 12 16 5 23
Get percentages from our Table How many boys have brown eyes? How many girls have blue eyes?
On your white boards answer: Exit Ticket On your white boards answer: What is another word for proportions? What kind of graph do you use percentages? What graph do you like better Pie or Bar?