First Holy Communion 2018 Along with the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, First Holy Communion is one of the three sacraments of initiation. It is through these sacraments of initiation that we become full members of the Church. The Eucharist (from the Greek eucharistia, “thanksgiving”) is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, in which He is present under the forms of bread and wine offering Himself in the Sacrifice of the Mass and giving Himself as spiritual food to the faithful. It is during First Holy Communion that we receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time. For us as Catholics, there is nothing greater than to receive Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist at Mass.
To be eligible to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion Your child must: be baptised in the Catholic Church and have given a copy of this certificate to Mrs Bernto if not baptised at the church of St Anne’s be enrolled in our parish First Holy Communion programme through submission of the requisite form to the school office have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Instruction for this sacrament will take place at the same time as instruction for First Holy Communion.
Our First Holy Communion Programme JANUARY Lesson 1: In the Name of the Father Everyday life – our names/introducing ourselves Bible: NT - The annunciation – announcing Jesus’s name, Jesus’s baptism – Matthew 3 13-17 Church – my baptism, making the sign of the cross ‘In the Name of the Father” HOME TASK: talk about your baptism with your parents (ST A children and bring in a photo) Lesson 2 and 3: Lord Have Mercy – Penitential Rite OT - Adam and Eve (Genesis 3) NT - Forgiving Father (Luke 15 11-32) Everyday Life – Times when I have done the wrong thing HOME TASK: write a prayer saying sorry and asking for forgiveness FEBRUARY Lesson 4 and 5: Reconciliation Everyday Life - stories of rescues OT - Story of Daniel - Daniel 6 NT - Lost Lamb - Luke 15 4-7 Church – Sacrament of Reconciliation: a rescue … what is it? Who is involved? When does it take place? Why do we do it? HOME TASK: Talk to your parents about a time when you needed rescuing. Who helped you? Why? Lesson 6: Reconciliation Everyday life – we don’t always get things right in life, but who helps you get it right? Bible: NT - Zacchaeus (Luke 19 1-10) Church – Sacrament of Reconciliation: preparing for it, examination of conscience, during the sacrament, after the sacrament HOME TASK: examination of conscience in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation MARCH Lesson 7: Glory to God in the Highest Everyday life – awe and wonder/experiencing God OT - Moses (Exodus 3 1-10) NT - Jesus’s birth (Luke 2 8-12) Church – Glory to God in the Highest HOME TASK: count the number of times Glory is said during one Mass Lesson 8: The Word of the Lord Everyday life: which Bible story do you find most relevant to you? OT – Samuel listened to God (1 Samuel 3) NT – Jesus is the Word of God Church – first reading, psalm, second reading, Gospel HOME TASK: learn the Creed Lesson 9: Bread to offer Everyday life – what is bread? When do you eat it? Who eats it? OT – Moses and Manna (Exodus 16) NT – Feeding the 5000 (John 6 -13) Church – offertory procession and offertory prayers, the altar, the bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Jesus HOME TASK: why should the Mass be at the centre of your life? Our First Holy Communion Programme
APRIL Lesson 10: Fruit of the Vine Everyday life – use of wine in meals and celebrations Bible: OT – Passover, Blessed are You (p.83 HC book), Isaiah 5 1-2, 27 2-6 NT – Wedding at Cana (John 2-11), New World (Revelation 21 1-4) Church – Jesus is the vine and we are all branches, the Eternal Banquet HOME TASK: draw the Eternal banquet Lesson 11: Do this in memory of me OT – Moses and the Passover, Jesus celebrated the Passover NT - Lamb of God – Jesus, the Eucharist is the new Passover, The Last Supper Church – Eucharistic Prayer HOME TASK: Learn Lamb of God prayer MAY Lesson 12: Body of Christ Everyday Life: transformations e.g. butterfly OT – prepares us for the NT NT – Jesus rises from the dead (John 20 11-18), 2 friends and a stranger (Luke 24 13-35) Church – when we receive HOME TASK: who will be with me at my First Holy Communion? Who will be my sponsor? What name will I take? Lesson 13: To love and to serve Everyday life – people who lead a life of service and love NT – Fishermen (John 21 1-17) Church – Saint Teresa of Avila – I have no body but yours HOME TASK: write a letter to your sponsor about what Holy Communion means to you, how you will serve and love throughout your life and thanking him/her What do we ask of you? The support from parents in preparing the children for he sacrament cannot be emphasised enough. Home Tasks … please could you talk through the latest lesson in the file and assist your child in doing the Home Task. Mass … It is expected that the family are full practising members of the community and that they regularly come to Mass.
Parents who bring their child First Holy Communion are fulfilling the vow they made publicly at their child’s baptism some years before to be the “first and best teachers of their child in the ways of faith”. Now they are more actively fulfilling this vow. Holy Communion DATES Common Session with all First Holy Communion Children with Fr Patrick in Church at 5p.m. Wednesday 23 May. - Confessions date – Tuesday 22 May by Fr Patrick and a second priest at St Anne’s School - Sunday 3rd June for St Anne’s children Fr Patrick plans to give the Sacrament to all St Anne’s children in one 10a.m. Mass.