Love God with all your…………..
Mind: Think /Work out how can I show Love to God & Others? Heart: Its okay to show emotion: Love is an emotion. Soul: Can I do this with my whole being? Not just what I do but who I am! Strength: Allow powerful and instinctive drive and energy to kick you into action.
Time for some spiritual Aerobics!! Rise to the Heights (Visible, Towering, to those who think they are above God’s Love) Plum the Depths (Roots, lasting, personal, to ensure a continual flow of God’s Love) Experience its Breadth (All Encompassing, as the Ocean, no one beyond reach of God’s Love) Test it’s length (Keep on Loving, stretching out to the unlovable: God’s Love never fails)
Holy Spirit Would you pour out Liquid Love over each person gathered in this congregation. Make each of us Holy Channels for your Powerful Life Changing Love. May We know and live out the Hight, width, DEPTH & LENGTH OF JESUS’ LOVE, AND MAY DORKING FEEL IT AND RESPOND TO IT. IN JESUS’ NAME AMEN