March 15th, 2016 Brown
Focus Standard ELAGSE8W1: a. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
Opening- Purpose of the Project State your claim. Support your Claim. Research terms and sources. Delineate author’s purpose and gather information. Evaluate resources and information. Create an effective opening. Create support for your claim Address and refute the counterclaim. Practice public speaking. Debate and win.
Purpose of an Effective Introduction Pull interest to your claim- A Hook. Explain the topic in detail. State your opinion on the topic.
Effective Ways to HOOK a Reader… Tell a Story. Incorporate a Quote. Surprising Facts. Rhetorical Question. Explain Statistics. Open with Dialogue. Sound Device. Describe a Setting.
Teacher Model Can you imagine? A teacher, let’s say your English teacher, brings the his needed contents from his car. He has his R2-D2 lunchbox, a computer bag, a stack of essays that consist of student responses and coffee stains, and a grey, steel lock box. After laying all of his contents onto his table, he pulls a key from his pocket, inserts it into the lockbox, opens it, and reveals its contents, a Glock handgun. Pulling out the gun, he checks the safety, places it in his shoulder holster, and walks out of his room to meet his smiling students whom are waiting in the hallway. In the state of Ohio, this was the response to parents’ concerns over the safety of their children. With the rise in crime committed at schools, more than 80 bills in 33 states have been introduced to arm teachers in schools, which would allow teachers to carry concealed weapons with them. Training or not, bringing guns into schools is not a solution to curb violence.
Task- Draft Your Introduction Discuss how to start your introduction. Should have the following information: Hook- grab the audience. Explanation of your topic- should be bias. State your claim. Make it INTERESTING!!!
Closing Present your introduction to the class. Remember not to give away details in your introduction.