GALAXIES Pages 639-642
Galaxies large groups of stars (approx. 100 billion) bound by gravitational attraction- rotates around a center PLUS: nebulae, planets, dark matter (90%), space, etc..
CENTER OF GALAXIES Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Milky Way Barred spiral galaxy About 100,000 light-years wide Sun is 30,000 light-years from the center Rotates every 200 million years around “galactic center”
Milky Way
Face-on view of the Milk Way Galaxy
Edge-on view of the Milk Way Galaxy
Andromeda (M31) A large galaxy neighbor 2,200,000 ly Can see with naked eye
Clash of Andromeda and Milky Way
Types of Galaxies
NGC 3384 M105
Spiral galaxies NCG 6946 30% of all galaxies Older in center; younger in arms NCG 6946
A barred spiral galaxy
Elliptical galaxy 60% of all galaxies Contain older stars
Merger of two Spirals to form an Elliptical
M104 (The Sombrero Galaxy)
Irregular galaxy 10% of all galaxies Contain young stars
Hubble’s Law Farther galaxies are moving away faster than closer galaxies
Raisin bread analogy of an expanding universe
What does this support? EXPANDING UNIVERSE!
Local group Local Group Milky way and it’s nearest galaxies Contains at least 28 galaxies
What pattern do galaxies form in the universe?
AMAZING FACT Our known Universe (are there more?) contains at least 1,000,000 billions ( Thats One Million, Billions) of other our own Milky Way. Life?
What is your galactic address? Smallest to largest:
Power of Ten
Galaxy Song