A road map for writing an innovative unit Gifted Pkwy A road map for writing an innovative unit Presented by Sarah Kessel
Units Include… Standards-driven learning outcomes Organization and flow that supports the “Big Ideas” Structure and pacing guide Flexible framework Standards-based assessments (Diagnostic, formative, summative) Differentiation Interdisciplinary learning 21st century learning experiences Rigor appropriate for Gifted students Gifted Pkwy
Map it all out Determine what is worth knowing for a lifetime that can be taught through a high interest, meaty, and rigorous topic Decide how you will assess if this understanding has been learned. This is your summative assessment of the learning. Develop a Big Picture overview that includes an outline and sequence of the topics, lessons, and experiences that will lead your students to the final project and/or experience. Determine your assessments along the way that will let you know if these benchmarks are being met and if the student is getting closer to the final end goal. Fill in the details, nuts and bolts that will make up your daily lessons and assignments. Gifted Pkwy
UBD Curriculum Writing – Begin with the end in mind! Stage 1 – Desired Results Stage 2 - Evidence Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Let’s check out an example Westward Expansion Gifted Pkwy
Practice – Perspective/Drones Stage 1 – Desired Results Stage 2 - Evidence Stage 3 – Learning Plan