Causes, impacts and responses to volcanic events Kobe, Japan Also called The Great Hanshin Earthquake
Causes Philipine plate subducted under the Eurasian plate A destructive plate margin A fault line runs beneath Kobe Plates become stuck, pressure accumulates. An earthquake occurs when this pressure is released, causing vibrations to move through the ground. The Great Hanshin earthquake belonged to a third type, called an "inland shallow earthquake". Earthquakes of this type occur along active faults. Even at lower magnitudes, they can be very destructive because they often occur near populated areas and because their hypocenters are located less than 20 km below the surface.
Impacts Environmental Tremors lasted 20 seconds Buildings and bridges collapsed Fires all over city Gas pipes and water mains damaged Aftershocks Political Japan refused a lot of international aid Social 6000+ deaths 35000 injured 300,000 made homeless Economic $220 billion damage £100 billion needed to rebuild basics 22% of offices in the central business district made unusable
Responses Long-term response Short-term response Jobs created in the construction industry as part of a rebuilding programme Railways were 80% operational after 1 month Ports were operational after 1 year By January 1999, 134,000 housing units had been constructed but some people were still having to live in temporary accommodation. Short-term response People evacuated Rescue teams and locals search for survivors Hospitals treat survivors but struggle to cope with the amount of people
Hazard Management Japan has the most comprehensive prediction programme thousands of seismometers and monitoring stations New laws passed to make buildings and infrastructure earthquake proof - counterweights on roofs - cross steel frames - rubber bricks under bridges to absorb shocks These laws were put in place in 1981 but older buildings were not yet modified- that is why they collapsed easily.