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Georgia Performance Standards: SSUSH9b-f

Reconstruction Goal 3 Final PowerPoint.
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 13 th Amendment: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
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Presentation transcript:


Rebuilding the Nation Reconstruction: time after the civil war bringing the south back into the nation Lincoln’s plan was lenient: Amnesty for soldiers and swear allegiance to USA After 10% of swear, can come back into Union Andrew Johnson, president after Lincoln killed, very close to Lincoln’s plan Radical Republicans wanted to punish South and former slave owners. Radical republicans see south as “Conquered provinces”

Troubles for Andrew Johnson Johnson vetoed Freedmen’s Bureau & Civil Rights act Johnston vetoes Reconstruction Act allowing African Americans right to vote He was overridden by congress Johnson fired Secretary of War without Congress permission. Vote to impeach Missed impeachment by one vote! Wow, That was CLOSE! Read “Profiles in Courage” by JFK Edwin Stanton, Sec of War, fired and replaced by Ulysses grant. Stanton Refused to leave, barracaded himself in office.

Reconstruction Society 1/5 southern men died in war. Land in ruins. Scalawags: white southerners who joined Republican party Carpetbaggers: Northerners who moved to South after war. African Americans gain right to vote in 15th Amendment Carpetbaggers called that because they had so few possession the carried them in knapsacks made from old rugs

Former Slaves Improve their Lives Former slaves had to decide where to live, and what to do. Many schools organized to teach former slaves to read. African Americans gain political power Hiram Revels was first Black Senator Sharecropping come prominent Were promised 40 acres and a mule by Sherman during war Many blacks leave plantations to look for family members. Others change names from slave owners to names associated with Liberty “Washington, Jefferson”. Also stop faking politeness to Southern Whites. Whites see as insubordination. Are fearful of new Black power. Hiram Revels takes Jefferson Davis’ old seat in the Senate. Since promised 40 acres and a mule, but never given, should the US Government reimburse decedents of former slaves for the evil of slavery? Some people say so. Spike Lee’s Production Company is called “40 acres and a Mule”

Collapse of Reconstruction Many Southerners angry about loss of war an new rights Ku Klux Klan grew as vigilante group to destroy republican party and keep blacks from voting. Scandals hurt Republican party. Bank failures hurt too KKK founded by Bedford Forest, former Confederate General See “Birth of a Nation”, the most racist movie ever made.

Was Reconstruction a Success? Yes, it was a success No, it was a failure In only a few years African Americans move from Slavery into government Break up of Plantations led to redistribution of land African Americans now have institutions open to them: Churches, schools, families Reformers could not break “cycle of poverty” for former slaves Racial bias still a problem Groups still keeping former slaves from enjoying their rights

Time to Move on It's time to heal old wounds and move on

Possible SAQ’s Explain the impact of the Election of 1828 on American Politics. Explain one major difference between the Democrat-Republicans and the Federalists