The use of simulation model FORRUS-S in the ecological management in forestry: strategic and tactics planning Maria Palenova, All-Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry, Russia Sergey I. Chumachenko Moscow State Forest University, Moscow, Russia
First choice topic according to topics list: –ENV Use of natural resources: the impact on biodiversity, ecosystem goods and services –KBBE : Developing the knowledge-based bio-economy (KBBE) Complete contact information of the presenter: Dr. Maria M.Palenova –All-Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry (ARISMF) 15, Institutskaya Str., Pushkino, Moscow reg., Russia Telephone: (495) ; Fax: (095) ; Previous experience within national research projects Russian Science Academy's and Forestry Agencys projects 3. Current proposal title, main objectives and key deliverables –The use of simulation model FORRUS-S in the ecological management in forestry: strategic and tactics planning –The purpose of the project is the application of existing models to define and assess optimal silvicultural systems, aiming at sustainable forest resource development and use. The objective of FORRUS to provide policymakers with information and analysis about long-term trends and projections for the forest sector. –The outcome of the project will consist of scientific papers, models, and practical guidelines for adaptive silvicultural systems aiming at sustainable forest resource management. The optimal silvicultural strategies to be defined using the models, will be of use to forest managers and forest policy makers in the decision-making process concerning sustainable forest use. For the private-sector, this means helping to improve investment, planning and marketing decisions, to increase profitability and wealth creation.