DIGESTIVE& EXCRETORY SYSTEM Related with i) digestion; ii) absorption; 3) water balance; 4) excretion Main division: 1) foregut 2) midgut 3) hindgut
FOREGUT Mouth: mandibles break down food to small pieces. inside mouth salivary glands excrete enzymes to: 1) aid breakdown of food; 1) add moisture Phariynx: region that is circled by muscles – force food from mouth to esophagus Esophagus: at tube-like connecting the crop(tembolok)
FOREGUT Crop: storage area for food. Insect eats beyond repletion, so need storage before pushed into midgut Proventriculus (PV): sometimes grinding organ (with small teeth; sometimes only as a valve between fore & midgut
MIDGUT (GC) Gastric caeca (GC) (sekum gastrik): involved in harbouring m/organisms Ventriculus (V): Enzymes breakdown food chemically, initiate nutrient uptake (absorption amino acid, carbo, lipids, vit., mineral) Single layer epithelial cells, convoluted (berlingkar) & folded: provide absorption space The lining is peritrophic membrane: 1) as a sieve (penapis) which allows enzymes & b/down products to move thru it. 2) protect midgut (GC)
Malphigian tubules (MT): junction of mid & hindgut Function: kidneys of insect: absorbs salts, water and wastes from the surrounding hemolymph. The wastes then are released from the organism in the form of solid nitrogenous compounds. Waste in form of uric acid (dry and nontoxic) MT
HINDGUT Water, salt and small metabolites absorption and waste excretion Waste products are concentrated and packaged for excretion Consists of 1) intestine (ileum+colon); 2)rectum; 3) anus From intestine pass to rectal pads: further salt & water retained
Function: 1) filter hemolymph 2) recover lost metabolites, water & salt 3) excrete waste Ileumkolon rectum rectum anus (waste in form of acid uric- dry & nontoxic T. Malphigian border of mid & hindgut
Insect Nutrition Diverse Some insects eat variety plants spp. Or maybe restricted to single plant Eg: Manduca sexta: eats Solanaceae (tobacco, tomato,potatoes)
What do insects need? 1)FAT (=LIPID) 2) CARBOHYDRATE(SUGAR) For hormone production 2) CARBOHYDRATE(SUGAR) For energy 3) PROTEINS Need amino acid, for development (eg arganine, leucine, lysine etc) 4) Vitamins Vitamin A for vision Vit B1 (thiamine:energy),B2 (riboflavin:energy),B6(pyridoxine:amino acid metabolism)