MENTORING DIVERSITY Creating leaders from within Introduction to the audience. Hello may name is Renita Duncan, I have been hired by your executive staff to implement a new program that I believe you will love. It is called the visionary program. With this will have the opportunity to develop leaders from within your company to progress through promotion by how you develop them. I have several years of experience in Cultural awareness and diversity. Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Grantham University DEOMI (Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute) graduate Special emphasis on cultural awareness and mediation Working in the Equal Employment Opportunity since 2006 I am a current student at Southwestern College of Professional studies with a major in Operations Management (which I like to call change management) Ms. RENITA A. DUNCAN Professional Communications 13 February 2013 Southwestern College of Professional Studies
What does this clip have to do with the visionary program? Well, its simple “Attitude Reflects Leadership” It is not secret that our company suffered 12% turnover rate last year of tenured employees. Our exit surveys detect that 5% left because the felt there was no advancement opportunity after several years of employment. 4% left due to retirement 3% other miscellaneous reasons After a employee climate survey conducted these last 60 days many employees feel that they are out of touch with management. They feel they would better fit in some place else. This is what your executive staff want to change. This new visionary program will do that
Team Building Personal Growth Respect AWARENESS Adding value WHAT IS all about? Respect AWARENESS Team Building Adding value Leadership choice Leaving No One Behind Trust Personal Growth What is Mentoring and diversity all about: You will see a list of words that equate to diversity and mentoring, I will ask the class to mention words that they think attribute to diversity and mentoring. Bottom line it is about inclusion and building an interdependent team for company success. Change Interdependence Learning Balance
Purpose Improve moral Reduce employee turnover by 3% Increase company diversity Create an internal mentoring and coaching program devised to build leaders from within the company Allow management staff opportunity for increased employee interaction Improve moral-We want to improve company moral and reduce turn-over by allowing current employees company growth through this new visionary program Prevent current employees from the frustration of training supervisors that are hired from outside of the company-currently 2% of our management recruits have been hired with no company experience because of education, we have used employees to train them which has brought in question the value of our current employees. We want employees at all levels to feel that they are valuable to this company and as such they should be afforded OJT to equate to some level of education. Increase company diversity-innovations comes from all backgrounds this program will allow employees from different areas of the company to intern in areas of the company that they find interesting but would normally never attempt to aspire to. Create an internal mentoring and coaching program devised to build leaders from within the company Allow management staff opportunity for increased employee interaction-Management should not longer be seen as untouchable.
Mentoring Results “Mentors were promoted 6 times more often than those not in a mentoring program” “Mentees were promoted 5 times more often than those not in a mentoring program” Retention rates were also higher for both mentees (72%) and mentors (69%) than for employees who did not participate in a mentoring program Source: This program not only benefits your employees it benefits you as well
Mentoring and Diversity The difference between careers that thrive or stall Nearly all successful people are mentored in some way Lack of access to mentors limits upward mobility Mentoring can easily be stifled by bias/stereotypes Influences who will be mentored in an organization Consider who you would mentor…trends/patterns One of the most successful investors in the world had a mentor, and now he mentors others every chance he gets. Warren Buffett was mentored by Ben Graham while at Columbia University. Buffett celebrates Graham’s book, The Intelligent Investor, as the greatest book on investing ever written. Warren Buffet also takes time to mentor Microsoft creator Bill Gates
Mentoring Vs. Coaching Mentoring Coaching/Current Operations Ongoing relationship (time) Set duration Can Be Informal (meetings) Generally structured Provides broader view (focus) Focused on specifics Agenda is flexible (approach) Agenda is specific Facilitated relationship (role) Guided relationship Every level of management gets to take part in this program. Supervisors will be mentoring while Department heads will take part in the coaching program. And the best part is that this is reciprocal. Mentors will be getting mentored by their Department heads while they are mentoring employees.
Select a protégé within your work area that would benefit from this program Success is the ability to work together! Are we a group, a team, or a High Performance Team “We are better together than we are alone” Dr. Stephen R. Covey Please write down two employees that you feel if given the opportunity would do well for the company and themselves in this program.
Selected Mentees Who did you choose? What influenced your decision? How did you choose them? How can you make yourself more approachable? What influenced your decision? What do you hope to accomplish as a mentor? What protégée did you choose? How did you choose them? How can you make yourself more approachable? If someone other than the two you chose were to approach you for mentorship how would you handle it? How would you feel about loosing those employees for a year if it would benefit the company as a whole in the long run? What influenced your decision? Why these two employees What do you hope to accomplish as a mentor: As we implement this program what do you hope to accomplish for yourself This is important because employees get to apply for this program and some of you will be on the board to select the interns. What will be your criteria for who gets selected?
Homework/how you will make this work in your department Upon returning to your Departments Develop a Plan. What are you willing to do to support this program? Develop a Strategic (viable) timeline to accomplish your goals We will meet here again in three weeks and allow everyone’s team to share there plan.
This is about Growth & Change! Change is inevitable, Growth is optional. Are you growing or growling with Diversity “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less!” General Eric Shinseki, former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Our company is at an impasse. We can either grow and regain our competitive advantage by retaining our valuable assets, or become an average Joe that customers can take or leave. We prefer to remain relevant and we do this by building a diverse innovative team of loyal empowered employees.
References Hopkins-Thompson, P. (2000). Colleagues Helping Colleagues: Mentoring and Coaching. NASSP Bulletin, 84(617), 29-36. Talent Development Solutions - Insala. (2013, January 1). Talent Development Solutions - Insala. Retrieved February 7, 2013, from