Bellringer: Tuesday Put your homework in the basket. Complete the daily language sheet for Monday and Tuesday.
Wordpieces 2.1
Cant/chant “To sing, to call”
recant verb To formally withdraw Synonyms: repeal; renounce Antonym: reaffirm
incantation noun Ritual chant Synonym: spell
disenchanted Adjective “losing fondness for; unhappy with” Synonym: disappointed Antonym: enthusiastic Bonus word: enchanting – delightfully charming or attractive
aud “to hear”
inaudible adjective So quiet as to be impossible to hear Synonyms: muted; muffled Antonym: loud; audible [able to be heard]
auditory adjective Having to do with the sense of hearing Synonym: hearing
audit Noun “a thorough review” Synonym: inspection
son “to sound”
dissonance noun “unpleasant sound” Synonym: discord Antonym: harmony Bonus: sonata - a musical composition for one or two instruments
assonance noun Similarity of word sounds In literature, the repetition of vowel sounds in words.
resonant adjective “having an effect; powerful” Synonym: significant Antonym: weak
log “to speak; to reason”
analogous Adjective “comparable to; like” synonyms: equivalent; comparable Antonym: unrelated
dialogue Noun “communication between two or more people” synonym: conversation
prologue Noun “a speech, passage or event coming before the main speech or event” Synonym: preface Antonym: epilogue [comes after the main speech or event] **bonus word: monologue - speech by one person**
Tuesday – 8th 1. Using your books, complete the family tree for Walter Dean Myers. 2.