Nursing Survey Lean Six Sigma: Resident Work Rounds Project Chand DV. Observational Study Using the Tools of Lean Six Sigma to Improve the Efficiency of the Resident Rounding Process. J Grad Med Educ. 2011;3(2):144-150. Nursing Survey Lean Six Sigma: Resident Work Rounds Project For these questions, please use the following scoring system: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral or no opinion Agree Strongly agree Circle the number which best reflects your response to the following questions: Following resident morning rounds, I am aware of the plan of care for each of my patients. Under the current system, physician orders are presented to me in a way that allows me to act upon them in a timely fashion. I believe that my patients’ parents or guardians understand the daily plan of care. The current resident rounding process occurs in an efficient manner. I am able to gain a clear understanding of the patient’s plan of care from the primary team’s notes in the chart. The current resident rounding process allows me to plan my work day appropriately. 1 2 3 4 5 How could resident rounds be modified to make them better for patient care? How could resident rounds be modified to make the flow of information (i.e., management plan, orders, diagnosis) more efficient?