The Issue Brief In brief.
The policy in place needs to be changed. Here’s how. The policy in place needs to stay in place. This policy is in imminent danger of being cut. The policy in place is good, but needs to be: enforced, increased, or enhanced. The purpose of an issue brief. (you will choose one of these approaches)
Things an issue brief is not. A research paper. Your research is in service of your discussion of policy and your subsequent recommendation that there be change. A paper with room for anecdotal evidence or narratives. A paper that uses anything but scholarly sources (may include legal documents, government research and publications—yes they may come from websites) Things an issue brief is not.
Issue Brief Components. Also: You must have at least two infographics. We’ll get to that… Specific, descriptive title. Brief problem summary. Definition of problem/ proof that there is a problem. Relevant social/cultural/political context. Acknowledgement of counterarguments. Conclusion with recommendation (depending on your topic, this may be quite brief or you may need to spend some time articulating the recommendation. Sources Issue Brief Components.
Those issue brief components you just saw? THEY MUST GO IN THAT ORDER. There’s no room for structural creativity.
This is tricky. Let’s peek at the Center for American Progress to see what we can figure out. (first, for fun, let’s take a peek at the issues they’re working on) Who is my audience?
So who is their audience? (your goal is the same) From CAP: “Our approach We develop new policy ideas, challenge the media to cover the issues that truly matter, and shape the national debate. With policy teams in major issue areas, CAP can think creatively at the cross-section of traditional boundaries to develop ideas for policymakers that lead to real change. By employing an extensive communications and outreach effort that we adapt to a rapidly changing media landscape, we move our ideas aggressively in the national policy debate.” So who is their audience? (your goal is the same)
Your audience may have some knowledge, but they aren’t experts. You don’t want to lose their attention. The audience doesn’t have time for “filler.” The audience doesn’t have time to untangle confusing writing. Use descriptive subheadings. Keep it brief.
Use plenty of data. Research is your ethos.
Avoid word/number blobs… (piling on too many numbers or Avoid word/number blobs… (piling on too many numbers or too much jargon)
…by making each sentence as clear as possible. (Numbers can make writing feel more complicated.) Use only the data you need. Use paragraphs to break information into understandable chunks.
You don’t want confusion to make your reader stop reading You don’t want confusion to make your reader stop reading. Also: don’t use stock photos. Yuck.
Use infographics. But use them wisely.
Infographics should clarify your information.
Visuals Should Be Easy to Read. The layperson can understand them. Font is clear. Infographic is a reasonable size.
You can use standard infographics, but make sure they are easy to read and understand. (FYI: this one is not)
Avoid visual chaos.
Use white space.
Use a descriptive, but succinct, title.
Clear, easy to read. Uses white space. Hooray!
This one uses pictures effectively (we know what they are!)
Use professional, elegant style. Sometimes a book is judged by its cover.
Elegant: 1. Graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. 2. (of a scientific theory or solution to a problem) pleasingly ingenious and simple. (Oxford Dictionary)
Use simple, clean lines.
Use professional fonts. (not these)
Font size should be readable, but efficient.
Use no more than two colors. This. Not this. Use no more than two colors.
Be careful when mixing fonts. (opposites attract!)
Extras! For added pizazz.
Use this one. Or create your own. Use a logo.
Kate Rosenberg is a Senior Policy Analyst with the World Jellybean Resources Council. Add a brief bio.