Why is it important to know the format of your textbook? We will discuss and locate the following vocabulary in our textbook: Title Heading Pictures Graphs Captions Diagrams Sidebar Questions Glossary Index Table of Contents
Title Definition: The name of a book, poem, picture, etc.
Heading Definition: The title, topic, etc., of a chapter
Picture Definition: a likeness of a person, scene, etc. produced by drawing, painting, photography, etc.
Graph Definition: A diagram representing quantitative information and relationships
Caption Definition: Heading, title, or subtitle for an article or illustration
Diagram Definition: A sketch, plan, graph, etc. that explains something by the outlining out its parts
Sidebar Definition: A short article about a sidelight of a major story and printed along side it
Question Definition: An asking, inquiry
Glossary Definition: A list of difficult terms with explanations, in a book
Index Definition: An alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc. indicating where pages are found in a book
Table of Contents Definition: A systematic list of details or contents