How long can you hold your breath? How long can you go without blinking?
How long can you go without eating? How long can we rely on oil?
The question of how long can we survive is really about… Sustainability
Sustainability is… The effort to improve living standards in ways that will not hurt the future.
Plan for the future! People that plan ahead can control the future To be a sustainable community we must…. Plan for the future! People that plan ahead can control the future
Concerns of Sustainability Growth of Urban Areas - Urban sprawl good or bad?
2. Mobility of Populations – people move frequently
3. Increasing Multiculturalism Which cultures will survive?
4. Changing Population Distribution – large shifts of people
– How much do we have? How long will it last? 5. Energy – How much do we have? How long will it last?
6. Behavioral Spaces – Places change based on use Woodstock
7. Government Control – How much is enough or too much?