Star Students 2/5-2/9 Calendar 2/14 – Valentine Party Literacy Our book of the week is “100 Years” and the sight words are “in & as”. We will also be celebrating our 100th Day of School on Monday! Moving forward, we will continue to have two new sight words each week. Please have your child practice reading and writing them at home as well. In Reading Workshop, we will continue our Nonfiction Unit of Study. Students will learn that not all nonfiction books have “real photographs”. Some nonfiction books have characters and illustrations, but the book still gives us real information about a topic. Students will practice all of their reading strategies: Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish, Stretchy the Snake, Chunky Monkey, Skippy Frog, Flippy Dolphin, and Tryin’ Lion. Your child should be able to use these strategies to help them when they come to a word they don’t know. When reading with your child, you can prompt them by saying, “What strategy could you use?”. In Writing Workshop, students will continue to work on their How-To books. Calendar 2/14 – Valentine Party 2/15 – Early Release Day/ 12:50 Dismissal 2/16 – Institute Day/ No School 2/19 – Presidents’ Day/ No School Birthdays No Birthdays this week! Math Students will continue to work on the concept of subtraction. This week they will write equations that represent subtraction stories with “take away”. When students think about different subtraction stories they are asked to communicate and use models to show their thinking. We will also spend time this week working with the number 100! The students are very excited to celebrate our 100th day of school. They will play games and practice counting to 100 by 1s, 5s, and 10s. Star Students 2/5 Gaby 2/6 Anna 2/7 Ishan 2/8 Nela 2/9 Jackson *Star student will read a book to the class.